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Does anyone out there have”Gastric Paresis?” In Greek it means “Paralyzed Stomach?”?

Does anyone out there have”Gastric Paresis?” In Greek it means “Paralyzed Stomach?”?

My stomach does not digest food properly. It takes longer to digest and something’s are rejected. I’m in a constant state of Nausea. For which I asked my doctor for a prescription of Marinol/Dronabinol i.e. THC in pill form.The anti-nausea med they gave me, Phenagrin, gives me nausea. The FDA moved Marinol from a schedule II drug to a schedule III drug, which means that the Dr. can phone it in to your pharmacy with 5 refills, enough for 6 months. This was done on July 2, 1999. They did this instead of legalizing it. Legalize marijuana for every kind of use, ever wonder why crime is down in countries where it is legal. Europe is so much older than the U.S. When will the U.S. wake up and legalize it thus criminal activity will drop way low. Europe knows the human condition better than the U.S. That’s why it is legal in Amsterdam, and decriminalized in other European countries, we don’t count the Mid-East there HEAD is up there ASS anyway. Please HELP. Good health & God Bless All.

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