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First Time Growers Guide to Growing Pot That Teaches EVERYTHING – Ready, Set, Grow (Vol 2, Part 6)

First Time Growers Guide to Growing Pot That Teaches EVERYTHING – Ready, Set, Grow (Vol 2, Part 6)

► alturl.com ◄ If you are looking for a place to buy high quality cannabis seeds at a fair price, check out this link! It’s where I always order my seeds. ► alturl.com ◄ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ► alturl.com ◄ Check out the link above or below to get your FREE $500 HOME DEPOT GIFT CARD! You can use it to buy supplies! 😉 ► alturl.com ◄ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ During germination, the marijuana seed awakens from its inactivity. Water is essential here, for as soon as the seed has absorbed a sufficient amount of water, the seedling begins to form its root system. Next it breaks through its shell. There are various possibilities for the process of germinating : Presoaking – Put some moist tissues on a plate. Put the seeds on top of them and then put a layer of moist tissues on the seeds. Cover the plate with another upturned plate, so that the seeds are in darkness and the environment remains moist. Put the covered seeds in a warm place (21°C). Update for paper towel method: germinating marijuana easy and successful. Check the seeds every day, sprinkle the tissues if necessary and carefully transplant the seeds when they open and the tip of the root becomes visible. Put the seed in a growth medium (soil or rock-wool), approximately the size of the seed under the surface (about 5 mm). Sowing in the growing medium – Place the seeds under the surface in the growing medium at approximately the

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