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Guide to Growing Lowryder #2 Marijuana Outdoors (PART 1) Outdoor Marijuana Grow Guide

Guide to Growing Lowryder #2 Marijuana Outdoors (PART 1) Outdoor Marijuana Grow Guide

alturl.com This is a good series of videos I found about growing marijuana outdoors. In this video series the marijuana strain they are growing is called Lowryder #2. This is a fast growing marijuana plant that is ideal for beginners. If I remember correctly it only takes about 9 weeks from the time you plant it until the time you can harvest your marijuana from the plant. This marijuana grow guide begins with planting and germinating marijuana seeds and goes through step by step to the final marijuana harvest. I hope you can all learn something about growing marijuana outdoors from watching this video, I know I did. My next grow is going to be an outdoor marijuana grow. Good luck to all of you out there trying to grow your own weed! alturl.com

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