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Tips to Purchasing a Genuine Thai Amulet

Tips to Purchasing a Genuine Thai Amulet

Can you really tell whether the amulet you are looking at on a Thai website is the real deal? Are there any tips you can follow to increase your chances of success?

Here are some tips you can use to help decipher whether the Thai amulet you are about to purchase is an original from a Theravada Buddhist temple in Thailand – or, a fake worth a couple of pennies because they are made and sold in tremendous bulk.

Thai Amulet Purchasing Tips – What Does Not Work:

The problem is, faking Thai amulet authenticity is an easy and profitable feat. Very few experts can tell every fake amulet, so other criteria must be taken into account to assess a fraudulent claim of authenticity. Thee following are soft criteria that you can use as tips to help you decide whether the seller is authentic or not. These have more to do with getting to know the seller than any sort of truth analysis of the amulets he or she is selling.

There are many Thai amulets sold each day online. A very high percentage of these amulets are non-genuine amulets and generally worthless. I have found bronze and copper amulets for 4 cents each in bags of 500 pieces in Chinese stores in Thailand that I have later seen sell for $19.95 at Ebay. Are you buying four cent amulets for 500 times their worth too?

Find a Thai amulet seller that doesn’t sell using hype. Find one that physically resides in Thailand and that can take photos of an amulet you wish to purchase beside today’s Bangkok Post or The Nation newspaper to prove to you the amulet really exists. Order an inexpensive amulet or two as a test before spending more than a hundred dollars on a large order. Can they deliver? What is the quality of Thai amulet the seller sells?

Thai amulet fraud is rampant. Don’t get taken for your hard-earned cash. Use the link in the author’s signature paragraph to find our Thai amulet store and buy something small. See if the quality is what you require. Then purchase other amulets. This is a a great way to build a relationship with a Thai amulet seller that is selling 100% guaranteed authentic Buddhist amulets from Thailand.

Author, Vern Lovic has been studying the authenticity of Thai amulets for the last couple years in Thailand and runs a simple online store at Thai Amulet Sales.com where you can be sure that every amulet and Buddhist accessory came from the Thai Buddhist temple mentioned on the sales page. Buying authentic amulets shouldn’t be a guessing game. Find someone knowledgeable that you trust.

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