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What to do about marijuana?

What to do about marijuana?

Now. Please. Don’t freak out.
Just answer according to your own beliefs and try to convey your message in somewhat of a civilized manner. If you’re a cop. Use some reserve and don’t just flame someone for having a different opinion than the slow, methodical brainwashing the executive branch (did you know that’s who cops worked for? No?) of the government has instilled in you.

The Marijuana Debate
It’s come to my attention that marijuana is becoming an increasingly heated debate, not only amongst those over zealous hippies of the sixties and seventies; but people of every creed, race, and lifestyle. Lately, I have been seeing very many different shows on what I refer to as the liberal media. I am not a liberal media kind’ve guy, but I do pay attention to all that goes on around me. What I have been noticing, and what I intend to discuss and will award points to the best reply, is that the entire general overview is somewhat changing.
For many years in urban and (believe it or not) more so, rural communities (where’d you think it came from? Mexico? Haha, try ohio and kentucky ) Marijuana has been quietly accepted as a very mild form of enjoyment with very few reprocussions. But with the recent uprising of choice in California, it has become an actual investment.
America is still the land of oppritunity, even if the people who’ve been elected to run it are stupid. We still have some credibility in other countries, as long as we can hurry up and quit fucking up. We’ve already established that oil cannot be our major cash inflow, our farm quality has either been repossessed by the government by driving prices on produce down so low or farming families have simply died out. Our automobile industry is in chaos, and our steel factories are fundamentally inferior. Should we not then look to marijuana? Let us not forget that we still have impecable farm land, and with marijuana legalized, the farmers could simply apply for either government (if we must come to terms) or private contracts, bidding like any business would on quotas. If our government applied taxes equal to that of cigarettes and maybe a little more (remember, a pack of doobies is much more valuable than a pack of cigarettes!)
This offers many good things. First is the influx of tax money into the government so that they can have it for themselves, secondly is the employment rate MUST go up, especially experienced marijuana growers that could align with companys like Philip Morris to make quality product. Next is the fact that it will give our country something constroctive today…get ready…

WITHIN OUR OWN BORDERS!!!! Other countries will look upon us like, “Wow….maybe they all ARE’NT George Bush….maybe they’ll leave us alone for a few years” World relations are to go only up with marijuana. Put your misgivings aside. PLEASE. Potheads do not breathe hellfire, nor are we known to eat, sacrifice, or generally harm people. We’re just like everyone else….There, hope you get the message

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