Illegal Immigrants and Drug Controversy?

Authorities had spotted the pot farms in Los Padres National Forest about eight miles from Rose Valley north of Ojai about three
weeks ago. On Wednesday, they seized 7,514 marijuana plants with an estimated street value of more than $15 million, said Sgt.
Mike Horne of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department’s Narcotics Unit. Illegal immigrants from Mexico are allegedly responsible
for planting marijuana crops in this U.S. National Park in order to avoid having to smuggle the drugs across the border and sell
them in the U.S.
On June 15th 2009, on his CNN show, AC 360, ”Anderson Cooper” reported on this issue as a national security threat to the United
States. He reports, “also, inside a corner of the national parks you have probably never seen before, where Mexican drug lords
have illegal immigrants hard at work growing marijuana. That’s right, foreign drug lords, illegal immigrants, heavily armed drug
compounds right in America’s national parks.”
Mexico! Marijuana plants grown here by illegals is one more problem along with ALL hardcore illegal drugs coming from Mexico only and nowhere else, and continuing to destroy our families.
Remember, ‘until’ the public protested for a fence the gov. did nothing to keep illegals and drugs out, and we’ve been waiting since the 80’s! So, gov. ‘barely’ responded with a few feet of fence and said they could not afford to pay for it, yet our gov. in 2009 is sure spending money now on about everything else. Most drugs get through by vehicle traffic with the illegals, and if our gov. ‘really’ wanted to stop it they could!
Mexico has over 1/3 more violence than America does, and now it has come to our border states and will continue till we are just like Mexico, we are already third world in many areas of border states. How about the other states so far, I’m still in L.A…..?
P.S. Marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin are STILL just as plentiful and the same price here in L.A., so gov. NOT keeping most of it from getting here!!