Marijuana jobs and marijuana friendly jobs in California

Marijuana jobs and marijuana friendly jobs in Californiawith people losing Jobs all over California there is a surprising Job market opening up with medical marijuana job up and Down the State and with the relational use legalization on the ballet, could this be the long awaited” New Change “?As more and more “marijuana job opportunities” open up for people in California.People in marijuana friendly jobs “medical marijuana job”might be thinking about “Internet Marketing “as a way to build there business.With the flood of medical marijuana collectives opening up every day this might be a good hit to the low job market that Californians need.with people starting to grow marijuana on there own and in the open and not be shamed for what the do.As Alcohol has been a major killer in the U.S for years.Did we get it wrong from the start?The Indians new of marijuana and were a peaceful People tell we came took there land and gave them Alcohol.With the internet wide open marijuana friendly jobs are more abundant then everif you “Smoke Pot” the inter net might be your new home when it come to having a good paying Job and enjoy a new life.”Smoking pot all day “and not worrying about passing some bosses drug test just because you smoke marijuana.this is a new day and Age for all people, not just non smokers.If the Governor and do it why can’t we.Hello, Nice See you,thanks for reading My name is Mathew Surrett I am extending my hand in friendship to you
Hello, Nice See you,thanks for reading My name is Mathew Surrett I am extending my hand in friendship to you