Soil From Volcanoes: A New Marijuana Hybrid?

Soils from volcanoes: A New Hybrid Marijuana? Why do people live on dangerous volcanoes? The main reason is the rich volcanic soil. People are willing to take high risk gambles for the most basic things in life – especially Lebensmittel.Doch the most basic things in life for some, equating to Cannabis. Medical Marijuana and the alleviation of the symptoms of cannabis some complaints have pushed to the forefront of social consciousness. To be disastrous for an event, make volcanoes there is a silver lining on the horizon. Hawaii, of course, came from volcanic activity. Hawaii has some of the nutrient-rich soil for cultivation. Add-goo GoBS of sunlight and create my favorite Marijuana burden of all time, Kona Gold. So, if the life you lemons, make lemonade. Or, if the life you volcanic ash, creating a new species of cannabis. Before we start licking our chops at ASH potential, let’s examine what it all geht.In near an erupting volcano, the short-term removal of pyroclastic flows, heavy falls of ash and lava can be complete, the extent of damage depending on the eruption magnitude. Permanent crops, forests, orchards and grazing animals, or surfing on the volcano slopes or in the surrounding lowlands may be leveled or buried. But this is the short-term effect. In the long term volcanic deposits, in some of the richest agricultural areas on Earth entwickeln.Ein example of the effects of volcanoes on land in Italy. With the exception of the volcanic region around Naples, agriculture in southern Italy, is extremely difficult because limestone forms the bedrock and the soil is generally very poor. But the region around Naples, Vesuvius, which contains, is very rich, mainly because of two large eruptions 35,000 and 12,000 years ago that left the region covered with very thick deposits of volcanic ash that has weathered the rich soil. Part of this area includes Mount Vesuvius. The region has for years cultivated intensively before the birth of Christ. The land is planted with vines, vegetables or flowers. Every square inch of this fertile land is used. For example, even have a small vineyard, in addition to the grape and bean trellises rimmed the spring, beans, cauliflower and onions between the rows of trellis, and the Weinberg-margin with orange and lemon trees, herbs and flowers. There is also a giant green tomatoes growing Region.Die magnificence and fertility of the fields, many of the North Island of New Zealand are on volcanic soils of different ages. Volcanic loams have developed earlier (4,000 and 40,000 years old) deposits of volcanic ashes of the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions. Combined with abundant rainfall, warm summers and mild winters produce rich harvests these regions, including the Kiwis were all over the world in the modern recipes. The altered volcanic ash are well-drained, but keep water for plants, and are easily cultivated. Deep volcanic clays are especially good for the growth of pasture (there are a large New Zealand dairy industry), horticulture and Mais.Life-forms on the surface to be focused by the consent of the natural partnership – heat from the sun and nutrients from the rocks, have broken down and recombined into soluble molecules by chemical reactions with moisture and gases such as carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The process is known as “chemical weathering”. Chemical interactions of the atmosphere with rock-Release key elements of rock-forming minerals that are then available to grow things. Volcanic rocks, some of the best land on earth, because they not only many common elements of rock and are easily chemically into elementary components getrennt.Nach the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980, were people living on the Lee eruption were concerned that the ash that fell into question the agricultural lands of eastern Washington. These concerns were met by a group of experienced scientists Earth. Volcanic ash can be used as time-release capsule, which are rich in nutrients taken into consideration formation can be read Fisher, RV, Heiken, G., and Hulen, JB, 1997, Volcanoes, Crucibles of Change. Princeton, Princeton University Press.Molloy, L., 1993. Soils in the New Zealand landscape, The Living Mantle. New Zealand Society of Soil Science, Canterbury.Sheets, PD and Grayson, DK (Eds.), 1979. Volcanic activity and human ecology. New York, Academic Press. Copyright (C) 1997, by Richard V. Fisher. All rights reserved.