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Why is alcohol legal and marijuana is not?

Why is alcohol legal and marijuana is not?

This question really needs no details, alcohol is basically poison, it can kill you, it impairs your ability to do anything except be drunk, loud, and annoying. I’m not advocating prohibition but I don’t get why weed isn’t legal as well if alcohol is permitted to take thousands of lives every year.
My answer is becuz Nixon and Reagan were assholes, but that’s not a good enuf answer I know
Answering one response, ppl drink and smoke becuz it makes you feel different, I woulda said good but it doesn’t always, people like the feelings they get from chemical makeup in their bodies changing, example : sex, anything that gives adrenaline rush, etc etc. And this country was built on tobacco and hemp, I still blame nixon and reagan, they suck, bush Sr as well, all three are douche bags

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