$600000 Marijuana Bust in Princeton, KY

PRINCETON, KY- Holding a short stack of snapshots, Assistant Police Chief Rocky Howton thumbs through pictures of a weekend bust. The photographs show not just marijuana plants but the Miracle Grow, fertilizer, and water hoses, Police say Bruce Stallins, 53, used to help the plants grow. Officer Abigail Tucker is the officer responsible for the bust. She wasn’t patrolling, she was on a break- visiting her granddaughter at the house next door. She peeked into the neighbor’s yard on Dawson Road and something caught her eye. “I thought maybe we had five plants,” she remembered thinking. The veteran officer took a closer look, turns out, there weren’t five plants, there were over five hundred. “I called my supervisor back and advised him what we really had and I think at that point everybody got a little excited,” she said. Shortly after seven on Saturday night, officers ended up seizing $6000 in cash, two guns, marijuana seeds, some packaged marijuana and 592 plants. The plants were just a few inches tall and Howton says they busted Stallins at just the right time. “He was getting ready to plant them in a field somewhere, then they’d be harvested, processed, and put back on the street,” he said. And while Tucker had to cut short that visit with her granddaughter, she says, it was well worth it. “I wouldn’t want that around my grandchildren, my children and I don’t think anyone else would either.” Bruce Stallins was booked in the Caldwell County Jail Saturday night. He bonded …
Pot Plants and guns = potential harm and hopefully lots of jail time for the violators. Glad they got this off the streets! Hope this guy is behind bars for at least 10 years!
Congrats Kentucky on the worst drug best in history.
Ky passed H.B. 463 earlier in March. It lowers the penalty for possession. Apparently our brilliant politicians figured out that if you give someone a fine as opposed to jail time they save state money. Mandatory jail time for an adult possessing marijuana for personal use is just, silly. Meth, Cocaine, Heroin and worst of all PHARMACEUTICALS are the real enemy’s of addiction and problems. How much more money would the state save if they focused on those drugs instead?
bearly sprouted plants give me a break…..biggest bust that aint shit…took the poor guy’s 6,000 prob every penny he had and took his hunting rifles’s wat bull shit
Now why the hell was that bitch snooping around and looking over the fence?
Fuck Marijuana its a drug don’t tell me any different….fuck it made all my friends a bunch of idiots.
hahahahahahahahahaha this is a joke
i feel bad for that guy. he wa trying to grow some plants. You ever plant something and watch it grow from just a seed, it’s fun to watch something like that grow whther it be pot or some tomatoes. c’mon. let the man grow some plants.
Nosey bitch needs to mind her own business how could she notice the plants if and nobody else unless she was being a peeping tom
Nosey bitch needs to mind her own business cuz how would she b the only one to notice if she wasn’t being a peeping Tom on those people
Snitches get stitches
This was in Kentucky? I assume they were all executed.
haha dumb fuck you don’t use miracle grow do some research. he deserved to be put away just for that XD
Some of y’all should really smoke more weed y’all are sound so stupid saying to shoot the police? Really? Cause if marijuana is making you think like that then you should stay off of it and anyway if the guy is smart then and gets a lawyer to show that she was trespassing then most of his charges will be dropped anyway, just relax people if he grew it with miracle grow then it wasn’t good weed anyway
Ugly nosey Bitch.
Lets see whats negative about marijuana….its illegal…anything else? NO
Solution???? What is so hard to understand? Fuck the Government.
fuck the police!
@unemployedfarmer fuck the police!
GOOD JOB. Get those drugs all the street!
stupid police cunt!!!!!!!!!
dude that’s a illegal search! FUCK THAT BITCH PIG!
what a nosey cunt
cause each of those plants was $1000… dumb asses.
@commandyou plants don’t use chemicals in the soil to make simple sugars the plant takes in Carbon dioxide + sunlight as an energy source to make simple sugars. Eh, some my friends do weed once in a while, there fine, but heavy users have neurological changes.