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Are there any REAL reasons why prop 19 should not be passed? (CA)?

Are there any REAL reasons why prop 19 should not be passed? (CA)?

I reviewed the ballot just a moment ago and the argument against prop 19 holds no credibility at all.
As a NON-USER of marijuana I’m searching for REAL reasons against the proposition that overshadow the Pro’s for prop 19.

-Could cost K-12 schools almost 9.5 billion? (Makes no sense)
-Cause bus drivers to crash? (Last I checked any occupational driver is subjected to random drug screening)
-Permits employees to possess marijuana on the job? (That’s a load of crap, by this reasoning they could say that you’re allowed to possess alcohol at work, which you cannot.)
-Could cost thousands their jobs? (Like your local neighborhood pot-dealers? oh well for them)

I would like to hear more educated/credible reasons against prop 19.

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