Arizona Marijuana Laws: Fair for Whom?

Arizona Marijuana Laws: Fair for whom?
Marijuana laws in the state of Arizona are targeted to stop the ongoing drug abuse occurring throughout the United States. The punishments for selling or possessing marijuana vary depending on the quantity of the drug being sold or held.
In comparison with lenient states, such as Hawaii and Maine, Arizona has relatively strict marijuana laws. This determination is based on comparing each state’s level of enforcement, weight limits, fines and/or time imprisoned. Additionally, Arizona is stricter then Hawaii and Maine when comparing penalties for repeat offenders between states.
In Arizona, if you are found guilty of a felony charge for an unlawful sale of less than two pounds of marijuana you can be sentenced to prison for a maximum of two and a half years as well as fined up to $150,000. Furthermore, if you are found guilty of a felony charge of transporting marijuana (weight less than 2 pounds) with the intent to sell you can be sentenced to prison for a maximum of three and a half years.
Additionally, Arizona law prohibits sick and dying patients from using medical marijuana to help ease their pain and suffering, even if a doctor recommends it. If an ill citizen of Arizona is found using medical marijuana, recommended by their doctor, they can be brought to court and punished. Arizona requires patients who are in need of medical marijuana to purchase marinol (synthetic THC) instead of marijuana. Sadly, this loophole only adds to a patient’s hardship. A month’s supply of marinol is much more expensive then a month’s supply of marijuana. Why legalize marinol over marijuana then? The answer is simple, marijuana is a product of Mexico while marinol is a product of the pharmaceutical industry, thus financially benefiting the state of Arizona.
If you would like to learn more about marijuana laws in the state of Arizona, please visit Arizona Marijuana Laws