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I smoked some of this with my frend once and it was awesome the best I’ve had so far but about an hour after I smoked it I puked a copple times can anyone tell me y that happend!
I’ve been smoking for 5 years and just this past year I took my first hit of blueberry kush… without a doubt the best I’ve had so far.
hell wish i had the one at 0:50 too, hahahahahaha
Dank, squared
I Love WEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially BlueBerry Kush
@swagsrfags hell yea true blueberry kush
this shit hella strong maybe but it look dumb nasty type made me itch
this sight is a fake
@MegaMuzikFreak mouth is watering to
damn! 0:50!
i swear to god this video made my mouth water……
@ElitePally88 you not the only one i get excited and almost feel my mouth watering
0:25 making me cry
thats one way to do it cuz the plant thinks winter is coming and thinks it has to finish its buds or fruitsall plants do this thats were the fruit in a paper bag comes from its dark even though its not growing anymore its dark and the fruit can tell and when you keep it in dark for a while it trys to get ripe and finish before its to cold and it dies
are you fucking kidding me everyone knows that purple can and usually is a nutrient deficiency the good purple shit is just genetics doesnt meen it has deficiencys its just how it grows but yea i know my shit i would like to have that bud cuz its weed who cares how good it is it gets you high but that 1st picture is not healthy normal weed there is definately somthing up with that bud i dont give a fuck if you think i dont know shit its not my weed you can smoke leafs but it doesnt make it good
@iloveaxe3232 dont know shit
idk if this is just me but when i see great looken weed like this it gives me a BIG SMILE
yea purple doesnt always meen good that first one looks eather rotten or like its got nute burn maybe both
agree @4everstoked
not really most time purple is caused by low nitrogen levels. cold just shocks plants and makes more resin, but to much cold like below 50 for extended periods will kill em
all the purple color means is that it was too cold
hahaha!!!!!!!! Thats fucked up! id do the same thing!
ill trade you my sister and some money just for one of those