Business Cards Don?t Need to Be Expensive, Buy Cheap Business Cards Online

The current economy has turned even those shoppers who never used to be so cost-conscious into consumers who are now very cost aware and watch every penny they spend. Everyone is pinching pennies and cutting corners wherever they can. Wise business persons are turning to the internet as a source for cheaper supplies including cheap business cards. Fortunately there are numerous online business card printers for the consumer to choose from. The customer can readily find great bargain prices on high quality cards to suit their needs.
Business persons heading off to trade shows need huge amounts of business cards to hand out. Especially when a customer orders large amounts of business cards at one time, the cost per card is lower. If a customer orders 100 15pt. standard cards it will cost $15. However, if the same card was to be ordered in the amount of 10,000 cards the cost would be $165; a HUGE savings is derived when ordering in large amounts.
There are many factors to be taken into consideration when ordering business cards online. It helps to know a little about the terminology you will encounter when placing your card order. There is wide variation among websites as to what is offered standard and what is offered as options. Three terms you are sure to come across are full bleed, full color print and UV gloss coating.
Full bleed print: This feature allows printing on the full surface of the card leaving no white border. Be aware that some print services charge 35-50% addition for this type print and some are not capable of doing this sort of print job at all.
Full color print: Full color print simply means that the number of colors you may use in the design of your business cards in not limited. Some services only offer black print or perhaps 2-color print, be aware that they probably are using old printing equipment and may not turn out the highest quality cards.
UV gloss coating: A varnish is applied to the cards to create luster, dimension and vitality to the surface as well as preserving rich, vibrant color by preventing fading and yellowing. Spot UV glossing creates the ultimate effects by adding contrast and highlighting specific areas of the card.
Armed with this information you are now ready to go online and shop for cheap business cards. Rest assured that there are many online print stores that offer high quality business cards as extremely affordable prices; you do not have to sacrifice quality to buy cheap business cards.
To make your cheap business cards look like you spent a fortune, go to BlockbusterPrint online for the best in service, quality and prices. At this site you will find that the 3 features listed above (full bleed, full color print and UV gloss coating) are standard on all cards at no charge. You will also be guaranteed the lowest price available online; $35 buys you 500 cheap business cards sure to catch attention.
Shop for cheap business cards at BlockbusterPrint where you are guaranteed the highest quality Business Cards at the cheapest prices.