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press 6 >.<
stop bragging about your weed…. shut the fuck up. you want some real cerebral shit it wouldnt been that dull.
yo everything is kush now wtf , what ever just happend to indoor vs outdoor
that is not kush, that’s like one step above the weeds in my front yard
yeaah man i gots da ohhh geee kushhh,im da dank digity bomb.Ol boy sounds like the typical know it all wannabe pot star.Man you sound like a tard.Go try some Medicine man or some of nevilles stock.fucking amature
lol this guy sounds like an idiot, and does not know his kuch
aint to bad thts cali weed i got sum better as we speak thn all of tht
lol outdoor
come to windsor ontario homie
thats some average shit around here
that would be bammer in socal…. you got the leftovers
@kartise trustt thats just this motherfuckers upload that looks shitty this is bigtomscience’s vid like kick3121 said scope his shit blood definitely some fire nugs not mids
iv bought better weed in the weed stores in Vancouver BC
If I was there looking at that lineup I would took that weed loaded it in a pipe and smoked it allll up.
“Its extracting the THC and the other canniboniods so yes… How am I restarted champ?”
Stop googling my friend. If this is how you thought hash was made, it’s kinda obvious you don’t know what trichomes are… Sad…
“Yeah all those mids I smoke…. Wait im pretty sure I don’t smoke mids, this is terribly awkward for you”
You… Fail… o___O Please, just sit down before you hurt yourself @__@
fuck now a days on youtube their isnt even a point in reading the titles on video cuz half the time its some random shit!!
@dudewiththeanime Sorry I don’t re-read everything to make sure i am correct, and actually your wrong its called trichomes you ignorant mother fucker. Yeah all those mids I smoke…. Wait im pretty sure I don’t smoke mids, this is terribly awkward for you.
Actually it’s called Tricones. Please get some knowledge (: “How am I restarted camp?” They must’ve laced your mids
im not jealous of that shity mexican weed
@dudewiththeanime Its extracting the THC and the other canniboniods so yes… How am I restarted champ?
those buds dont even look that good.. lol or super insane.. It looks good. Not great or anything higher than that. I would def smoke it thats for sure, but it doesn’t look the most dank of dank.. Not only that, what a shitty trimming job. Who the fuck wants tons of leaves all over their damn bud?
thats not mids. my og kush pretty much looked like that and it wasnt frosty bc it was grown outdoors just like mine.
@pittsburgh123412 because these fuckers aint real smokers so they dont know the difference
@kartise how would u know u fucking spell “s” as 5 u retard