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California Marijuana Legalization. Who thinks like me?

California Marijuana Legalization. Who thinks like me?

This issue has bothered me for awhile. I don’t believe that marijuana should be legalized, however I use it ever day. I think it should remain medical. I use it for my severe chronic back pain… chronic. lol. But I think the system is fine where it is right now. If it becomes legal then people who are 21 are going to say “well I’ve never tried it before, might as well.” Then they will realize how good it is and start using it a lot and all the time for whatever reason possible. I know that right now people still use it legal or not but if we can make the difference of a few people to not start then that will put us on the track to a better future and a less ignorant future. Further more I plan to move to northern california and start my own farm growing fruits vegies and investing into the medical marijuana growing industry. I have a medical card. This is what I hope to base my future off of. Growing little amounts during the harvest season in the summer and selling it only enough to pay the bills. I think that legalization will lead to a more ignorant and oblivious future. Weed does make you stupid. Not a fact. But for sure visual evidence. Does anybody agree with me?
Well I agree with both of you. Decriminalizing would be preferable, but I do not believe that will ever happen. Once it becomes legal I believe it will become high fructose corn syrup. It will become controlled by government and turn into a highly addictive substance and very bad for you like cigarettes and no longer be healthy

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