Can I get in trouble for publishing my “Harrry Pot-ter” book?

As a new author, I realize how hard it is to write a successful book. My friends often remind me on how the odds are against writing a best seller the first time out. My friends tell me- “Forget it, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning while sliding up a rainbow”
My friends don’t know ME very well. I want success, and I want it NOW. Writing is a highly competitive field and one must find a way to stand out. I literally tripped over the answer when my niece left her Harry Potter book on the floor, leaving me to trip over it. 16 stitches later, it occured to me that if I spell JK Rowlings intellectual property slightly different, it may not be her property. So if I publish my soon to be best seller “XJ14-jj**AHHHHH!!!!!” with the subtitle “Harrry Pot-ter and the Half-Blood Prince” people will flock to buy what they think is an early release of the new Harry Potter book. They may feel tricked and angry at first, but after they read my story about hairballs, plumbing and why the main character Gertrude turns to Jesus, they’ll be glad they did!
Are u serious?
Do not do that.
There is currently an Indian movie called “Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors,” which has nothing to do with Harry Potter. But Warner Bros. is suing them.
You would definitely get sued (and you would lose in court) if you used “Harrry Pot-ter and the Half-Blood Prince” as part of your book title. ESPECIALLY if your intent was to trick people to buy the book.
you might get sued babe
you would also have some angry hp fanss
just rename it i geuss/
You cant legally do that. The name is copy-righted and to have a title that close to the book is something that won’t be stood for. I’m sure the publishing company would say something about it.
Besides, Harry Potter’s over. No more books. You’re plan would’ve failed anyways, either in lawsuit or by people noticing the hyphen.
Give it a try, the publisher will sue you so fast, you will be in bankruptcy.
Know also, you will never publish with a real publisher, that book or any other. Your career will end before it begins. Also, no bookstore would carry the book, so you could only sell it on the internet after you self publish.
Lastly, if you story ideas are as bad as this, apply to flip burgers as soon as possible.