Cannabis Olive Oil Recipe by Doctor Diane

Doctor Diane shows you how to make an infused olive oil with marijuana leaf. This oil is perfect for baking edible treats for medicinal use. Warren Sanford co-hosts.
Doctor Diane shows you how to make an infused olive oil with marijuana leaf. This oil is perfect for baking edible treats for medicinal use. Warren Sanford co-hosts.
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@erikhouston Thank you for sharing this information.
@pinkpanthersix Yes, there is a smaller receipe. Use 1 oz. leaf, 1 1/4 cup of water, and 1/2 cup olive oil. Hope this helps you. Good luck!
Now uh, is there a resipy for much smaller amount that you know?
From experience, you don’t have to heat the olive oil/ plant mash if you use vaporized weed since the THC in vaporized weed is already activated to bind with hydrocarbons. But if you use just leaf or buds… you need to apply heat.
@killadono09 Thank you, and greeting to you! Have a nice day…
@Mofilia greetings form england brazil and california
I leave mine in the free freezer most of the time. If I want to bake something, then I take my container out of the freezer and let thaw. If there is any left I put back in the freezer. If I am using for a topical pain reliever, I use frozen. Suppose you don’t want to freeze it, keep your oil in a cool, dark place. It can get rancid if not handled properly. Hope this helps.
i mean once you take it out from the freezer and you separate the water from the oil… do you have to melt it or you use it like that?
@esemitomyeh I am not sure I understand your question. You put leaf or bud into the water.
when you already have the green stuff… how do you turn it back to liquid?
@Mofilia Greeting to you in Brasil from California.
Yes! beautiful green!! π greetings from Brasil!!
@leefufu The size of the pressure cooker does not matter. I use 6 quart because I like that size, easy for me to handle.
lala land
This video was such a pleasure to watch. Can you tell me if the size of pressure cooker matters? I believe the one I have is alot bigger than yours and I don’t really want to have to buy a smaller one.
This was a pleasure to watch!
@guitarfreak6 Thank you for the positive feedback! That material is cheese cloth. That is the way I squeezed the leaf when I first started cooking medicine. I recommend you go search out a potato ricer. Also, I recommend you wear golves.
@doctordll Thanks a lot for this awesome video. I will be trying this as soon as I can and I’m quite excited! However, I do not have a grape press… If I put the product straight from the cooking pot onto that material cloth, would it be affective to simply put a small amount at a time and squeeze it out with my hands, just like you with the last little bit?
@guitarfreak6 Thank you!
@xAMSCRAYx They are wearing the same clothes, because its actually the same day…. The stuff he grabbed from the fridge was another batch they already prepared. That’s all π
@bolleogbrus Thank you for your positive feedback. You can store in the frig, freezer, or a cool dark closet. My preference is the freezer.
@bolleogbrus Never tired your method. How do you separate the oil from the weed? The first sign that it is rancid is the smell. Next you will see slimy globs of goo in the bottom of the jar. Yes, you can store in the frig. I prefer to freeze mine cuz I cook 5 liters at one time. After I harvest and let thaw, I then store in small containers, usually in 1 cup increments, then freeze again.
@doctordll How do can you tell if its gone rancid? And do you have to freeze it right away (if you want it to hold for a while) ? Or can you store it in the fridge a while before freezing?
I haven’t yet tried my oil as i’m on a brake ( been a bit too much these last years) but I know it works! Realized that when i made it π lol Big hug from Norway
THnx alot for your answer! π
I made some a couple weeks ago, though just using a glass with lid (oil and weed in it) in a pan of boiling water. As I haven’t got a pressure cooker, and if understood correctly, i won’t risk burning the oil itself.
I left it in a dark closet, but have now moved it to the fridge:-)
How do you tell if it’s gone rancid?
@bolleogbrus I store mine in the freezer, you can store in the frig. I have some oil in the freezer from april 2008 and is still good. It will become rancid if not handled properly. Also, do not put your hands in it. Use a knife or spoon. I have an antique peach pitter that I use for this purpose. Enjoy!