Colo Health Board Votes Down Medical Marijuana Limits abc7News Denver

Hundreds Turn Out In Opposition To Cap On Patient Number By Lance Hernandez, 7NEWS Reporter DENVER — The state Board of Health has voted down a proposal to limit medical marijuana providers to five patients each. The vote was a big victory for dispensaries that have sprouted up to serve a growing number of patients across Colorado, and for patients who depend on marijuana to ease nausea and pain. Dispensary operator Todd Young, who provides marijuana for nine patients, testified against the proposed limit. If this passes, I would have to sit down and cut off half of my patients, Young said. How will I decide who to choose? One of his patients, Damien LaGoy, is a long term AIDS survivor, who uses marijuana to help cope with the side effects of the multiple drugs he takes to stay alive. If they dont allow my caregiver to have more than five patients, Ill be back on Colfax looking for marijuana, LaGoy told 7NEWS. Dr. Ned Calonge, chief medical officer for the state health department, said the rules require that a caregiver be someone who has significant responsibility for managing the well being of a patient. Dispensaries are like pharmacies, Calonge said, and neither is synonymous with the term caregiver. Calonge said that by limiting the number of patients to five, caregivers can spend more time with them and provide better care. But attorney Robert Corry, a medical marijuana advocate, said health officials are trying to fix a problem that doesnt exist. The health …
I think we need to clear up a few points about marijuana. Sure, marijuana has never led to an OD but there are some VERY dangerous consequences that marijuana leads to.
I’ve studied cannabis for 35 years and this is what I’ve learned.
Marijuana is proven to cause homosexuality. There are countless studies showing that 35% of the people who ARE NOT HOMOSEXUAL become HOMOSEXUAL after getting high. Theory is that marijuana triggers the homosexual outburst gene and hardwires it into your brain.
this is good