Colorado: Banks denying accounts for medical marijuana dispensaries

Colorado: Banks denying accounts for medical marijuana dispensaries
Colorado: Banks denying accounts for medical marijuana dispensaries
THC is Seattle’s premier medical marijuana and cannabis dispensary offering the highest quality medical marijuana at lowest donations!... Read More »
Candidates for San Francisco District 3 Supervisor are asked if they support medical marijuana dispensaries, needle exchange programs,... Read More »
Men arrested in Medical Marijuana dispensary bust appear in court Read More »
That’s a room full of medicine NOT DRUGS Romero, get ur shit straight!
Thank You PatientsChoiceofCO,
I appreciate your advise. I hope they have one up here in Boulder.
the Gov’t is threatening banks..guarenteed
TCF takes dispensary accounts.
BTW anyone who doubts the power of the boycott I cite the recent actions brought and carried out by SAFERchoice org and their supporters. … Starbucks wasted no time addressing the issue and the Colorado Drug Investigators Association (CDIA) website shut down completely.
naaa , see my other comment, BAnks are nothing with out people depositing and borrowing and investing. make that clear and the tie will change in MMJs favor.
Seems to me a simple Solution is at the hands of the patients and advocates to help
Very simple
The People Must Boycott
Boycott any bank that Openly refuses to allow Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to hold accounts of any sort.
Business or Personal accounts it should matter not. Boycott them and be vocal about it.
Tell the Banks, Credit Unions or whatever financial institution or credit provider…
If you refuse to business to the MMJ industry you will lose ours and hopefully their own!
this is bad. The federal gov might be able to undermine freedom yet again. I haven’t ever considered this.
Ha ha, the banks makes cash on LOANS!
Their loss in the end, they prove who they are.