Cops find way to control on the job stress

A teenager is suspected of giving drug-laced cookies to Police. Marijuana Recipes POT COOKIES for 1 cookie: 1 joint worth of pot 1/4 tsp. oil (just enough to moisten the pot) 1 tbsp. oats 2 tsp. Eier Likoer (or just egg) (a few raisins?,a bit of brown sugar or molasses?) mix pot & oil, add rest and form into cookie on a piece of foil. bake at 350 for 10 min, or until bottom starts to turn brown. Eier Likoer makes good cookies, it’s this yellow stuff usually somewhere around the Baily’s. ingredients are egg yolks, sugar, and alcohol. Cannabis Cookies – 3 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips – 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated) – 1/4 cup amaretto liqueur, or an amaretto-flavored syrup – 1 teaspoon almond flavoring – 3/4 cup sliced almonds – 1 ounce finely ground cannabis – 1/2 cup butter Heat cannabis in the melted butter for 45 minutes or so (or however you prefer to make it). Set aside. Grease a 9×9 pan and sprinkle with the sliced almonds. Put chocolate chips and condensed milk into a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 3-3 1/2 minutes on high heat or until chocolate is melted. Add all other ingredients (microwave the budder first to liquefy it if it has set). Stir until smooth. Pour into pan and place in fridge or freezer. Should serve as many as 30 people of an ordinary tolerance.
marijuana is only a plant that helps people get thro pain and hard times.
yea like your mammy, smoked crack while she was pregnate with you. For you to make a stupid remark like this, you must be a crack baby.
Should’a put rat poison in those cookies. Now, that would be funny. Ha ha ha.
They the press sais LSD and the police said marijuana. This is the kinda shit that keeps us from voting to legalize marijuana, they make it sound like if you eat or touched pot cookies that your going to die
weed cookies dont really smell much like weed. I mean if you know the smell they will have a slight smell.
and are they trying to subliminally associate lsd with weed now?
yea.. either he messed up and didn’t say thc or the news is trying to scare us.
keep ooonnnnn testin em officers. good work 😛
frikkin jerks
If you look at 1:02 on the video… The narrator says the cookies tested positive for LSD.. Cookies smelled like marijuana and he apperently put marijuana in them. So where does this LSD (Acid) come into effect?
They felt no ill effects. They felt great. The only possible side effects were the need to eat more do’nuts, and cookies, and chocolate, and hey do you want some pizza?
god fuckin forbid…OMG i touched a pot cookie, im gunna die!!!
its just weed..the press and police need to stop lying about the effects of pot
their is no fact, just scare tactics.
rofl LSD wow…the media is retarded
I would hate to be that kids dad, cost a fortune in fines and bail money
ugh.. it’s THC in marijuana, not “LSD” -.-
Best cookies they ever had !! lol better than grannies
if i was a cop i would have given that guy a hug.
ill effects???
what in the fuck is with our law enforcement
wft they keep saying lsd i think they mean thc lol dumb cunts
LMAO LSD? Did he mean THC?
i like the pot recipes in the description i cant wait to try the second one lol