Do Christians realize marijuana is advocated in the bible?

God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat.” … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31)
1 Tim 4:4 “For everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude.”
@Your Mom: How is this taking anything out of context? Marijuana IS a seed bearing plant, no?
@OMK: When did I ever take a side on the legalization of cannibals? This is a RELIGIOUS thread, if you’re ignorant you don’t have to answer.
Yes, his creation is good.
But people abuse his creation, and it can harm other people.
Like pot, it can really dumb you down and get you curious about the other drugs.
He never said.
“Smoke thy weed, and thy troubles will disperse.”
Smoking drugs isn’t necessary, unless it’s pot and it’s for medicinal purposes but i could be wrong.
I just don’t see how that could be wrong.
But how many people ACTUALLY smoke pot for medicinal purposes?
Yeah, nice way of taking things out of context. Does it tell you what cereal to eat in the morning?
You quote a story book as real as harry potter. The only good Marijuana does is keep addicts from jobs so the spots can do to more deserving advocates
So, Paul endorses poison mushrooms.
Leave your religious rubbish out of the fight for legislation of cannabis please. We’re trying to convince people that we’re NOT insane.
You know that a person is under the influence when they claim to have created the world and everything in it.
Blessed is the herb & the brew.
Hemp is good because it’s a complete source of protein and a great source of omega 3, but the levels of THC are so low that it’s not even close to marijuana. So, yes for hemp, but no for marijuana. Marijuana has pernicious long-term side effects.
If every plant is edible and good for you, and given to you by God, how about poisonous mushrooms?
i did, its the excuse i gave myself for breaking the part about obaying the king. but the bible also advocates killing a few kings, so IDK maybe you should just get on with your life and assume that if god is real he made it so it must be OK.
“…it will be for MEAT”….u eat weed?
if I remember right, was it not the case that anointing oil used to have or be made with hemp? It is of course possible I imagined that.
Also, I am not sure how this is applicable to Christians?
It is probably all okay, as long as not abused. (After all in olden times Romans essentially used heroine for pain management).
legalized marijuana, free media, save the gibbons, go green, no nukes, say no to coal plants, save the whale and eat yogurt, KFC farm fat chickens, say no to nuclear power, use plastic bags twice , use public transport and dump your suv’s, think before you print, cycle to work, compost your dustbin, use CFL lights, say no to palm oil, grow your own weed, count me in for all that