Does this sound like the border is more secure than ever per Obama ?

TUCSON, Ariz. — The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Arizona Joint Field Command (AZ-JFC) is reporting the seizure of more than 16,155 pounds of narcotics, with an estimated value of more than $9.2 million, and the apprehension of 1,594 illegal immigrants at the Arizona border July 25 – 31.
Narcotics seizures consisted of more than 16,050 pounds of marijuana, 81 pounds of cocaine, 19 pounds of methamphetamines and five pounds of heroin. CBP also intercepted 100 rounds of ammunition, $229,000 in illegal outbound currency, and 22 vehicles used for illicit purposes.
CBP in Arizona has apprehended more than 7,300 illegal immigrants and seized in excess of 91,600 pounds of marijuana during July 2011. This represents a 26 percent decrease in apprehensions, which is a key indicator in illegal immigration, and a 17 percent increase in marijuana seizures when compared to monthly totals for June 2011. CBP credits this success to the integrated border enforcement effort in Arizona and significant increases in personnel, technology and tactical infrastructure.
Since launching the Southwest Border Initiative in March, 2009, the Department of Homeland Security, under Secretary Janet Napolitano, has engaged in an unprecedented effort to bring focus and intensity to Southwest border security; coupled with a reinvigorated, smart and effective approach to enforcing immigration laws in the interior of our country.
TUCSON, Ariz. — The following is a snapshot of certain Department of Homeland Security activities along the Southwest border. This rundown provides a thumbnail of each incident.
Joint Field Command Statistics – Over the past 48 hours in Arizona
(Narcotics weights are measured in pounds)
Marijuana seized 3,713
Methamphetamines seized 6
Outbound currency seized $2,713
Individuals presented in federal court for prosecution* 187
Individuals prosecuted under Operation Streamline* 118
Individuals prosecuted on federal drug charges* 11
*These numbers only represent those apprehended by Border Patrol and presented for prosecution.
On August 1, Border Patrol agents from the Naco Station apprehended an illegal immigrant west of the Naco Port of Entry. Using the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, agents revealed the subject was a sex offender based on a 1990 conviction in Kennewick, Wash. for rape. The subject is being criminally prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Illegal Entry.
On August 1, agents assigned to the Naco Station apprehended an illegal immigrant from Mexico with a prior removal from the U.S. who admitted to being a member of the Sureño 13 street gang. The subject is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for re-entry of a felon.
On August 1, agents from the Willcox Station conducting checkpoint operations along State Route 90 arrested a 56-year-old United States citizen who was attempting to smuggle an illegal immigrant from Oaxaca, Mexico, in the trunk of his vehicle. The vehicle was seized and the illegal immigrant was transported to the Willcox Station for further processing while the driver is being prosecuted for alien smuggling.
Whats new? good luck.
Yes a narcotics seizure on the border is a sure sign of lax border security.
statistically,US roads are safer than ever, yet people still die every day.
Well, I wonder if you would rather prefer hearing that all these things =were not= seized…