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Episode 12: The Money Shot

Episode 12: The Money Shot

During the filming of an indoor scene, Jonathan convinces the guys to do their best Charlie Chaplin; the three male leads silently act out their performances in Evil Weed. On Nicks terrace, they pantomime their parts in the movie. Ryan, always the host, begins to give an oratorical summary of the arc of his character. He then does as he is told and, this time, tells his story silently. On the last day of shooting, Shane busts out the fake weed that we saw in Episode 4 and prepares to transfer it into a smaller Ziploc bag. Brianna does not fully comprehend the measurements of marijuana. David thinks about how he can improve the living room scene. Finally, Bekim pops open the bottle of bubbly, double-entendre and all. The projectile cork flies way out of frame and disappears somewhere on the floor below.

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