Farmville Parody – PotVilla Herb’n Farming (Farmville Spoof)

Farmville is addicting. I know I’m hooked. I hope it’s not a gateway drug for more addictive games… Like PotVilla, Herb’n Farming. This is a parody of those popular farming games –FarmVille. This sould be the offical Game of 420. Or is it 4:20, time to play PotVilla! No Justin Bieber, don’t play this game.
They should have this game on facebook! I’d play it LOL!
The creator of this game should be snoop dogg
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i would play that
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@eulogist79 did you really need to call me a retard? you douche.
@BethanyHannahW yes it’s real you fucking retard
That’s okay because the artichoke leaves in Farmville look like marijuana leaves.
YOu knwo there IS a Pot Farm game on Facebook right?
Just search Pot Farm in Facebook search thingy
is this real? i hope it is.
The farmville game is usually very complicated if you do not realize how to play effectively. If you really want to know how lots of top level players do it, go study the guide over at freshfarmvilleguideXcom (replace X with . )
i’d love to play
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@KinkadeJohn, it’s not that dated. Rural meth labs still use trailers.
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nice vid,
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LOL! Pharmville! My facebook friends all play this, I don’t, Amsterdam Caf’e world? Ho’ville? Just need some pretty poppies and you have a crankin’ enterprise!
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