Full cannabis cloning tutorial! Step-by-step guide to perfect clones!

Johnny Blaze from Cannavation.com shows you how to take the perfect clone from a beautiful Cannabis plant. Step by step guide for preparation, treating your medium (rockwool in this case), selecting your clone, cutting properly, and proper storage. By the end of this tutorial the mystery will be gone from cloning marijuana plants! Don’t forget to stop by www.cannavation.com and check out more great information including forums, blogs, and entertainment! Thanks!
I’m doin it…and I plan on doin it well:)
do you water the clones with plain tap water or water w/ some additives prior to roots sprouting?…thanks
How many clippings can you safely take in the same day from the same female? I definitely noticed how big they should be to be very supportive but… And how long should you wait before you clip her again? You ended up with forty clones but it seemed as if you only had several plants. You did a fantastic demo but I haven’t gotten the answers to these questions through videos… Help!
fantastic ! how long it take you to get such great results??? im struggling through my first time here. Keep up the good work! could use a lot of tips
How many months do we need to wait before cuting the mother plant to make the clones?
iv been growing cheese in uk for years.it crosses with everything.always adds yeild and potency.the bigger the pot,the bigger the plant..dont know limit yet STINKY!!
(not always convenient)lol
@b0sh30 I don’t know much about this but in the video it said that condensation is a bad thing, idk if that will help, but try cutting back on it.
dude i have that exact same bong
Can you tell me exactly how much superthrive and hygrozyme to use? and also if i use any tap water at all ? cus this is going to be my first time growing so im just trying to figure out as much as possible.
Nice tute brother.
what if you bought a clone from a shop? what would i have to do after i buy it?
yeah i love cheese too oh wait ur talkin bout weed man the names r gettin weird lmao
Is there a way to clone without all these chemicals?I mean what will hapen if i just stick it in a tiny pot of dirt?
so i i have tried 3 times now and my mother plant is getting small! im using root riots and clonex gel. they are kept humid as plenty of condesation on propergator. but each time i tried they have never lasted the night. what am i doing wrong?
could you also clon from a one foot plant like the top an after awile the other steams it would work right ????
@TheGrowdaddy someone who isnt me ….are you that paranoid
Do you add water to the bottom of the tray or just to the cubes themselves? Thanks!
Long live the original uk cheese clones
thanks marv iam on o mission got some xxxskunk and some white widowxblue cheese i crossed a few years ago thats really dank if you need seeds to sample give you some to try free of course iam a bit paranoid to talk to people on here but if you need some e mail me no catch jus free the weed dean
@dean5371 Thanks for the tip! I learned a lot form, hydroponicsGrodan- type this into your youtube search and pick the top video. They have 10 videos right from the manufacture and it clears up a lot of the crap people tell you in the hydo shops. They posted these videos in October and not to many people have viewed them. There is also a few money saving tips. I strongly recommend these videos for ANYONE STARTING OUT FOR THE FIRST TIME. Good luck and i hope we all get some dank treats
@marvin666777 hey man you want to leave your heating pad on 24 7 at 65degrees and the cuttings should have enough water in the cutting cubes to last until the pre emergance roots show and then give them a half strenth rhizotonic or seaweed extract and then open the vents on your propergater and they should grow nicely hope this helps
how much shud u water clones like in ml or tsp measurements?
@Cannavation how often do u water them and how much if any nutrients do you use. i got clonex and mine look all wilted. I also got a heat pad, how often should it be on? how many days?
@bearsmack6969 Thanks for the great tip! I totally forgot to mention scarring and it def helps! Like you said, cutting, scratching or scarring the stem area you want to root then putting it into your hormone helps quite a bit! It slipped my mind while making this video but i do normally scratch up the stem with a razor blaze or the scissors i cut the clones with. Thanks for the great input! Stop by the forums at cannavation and help get things up and running with your excellent knowledge!
@TheGrowdaddy Yeah clonex is a great solution. I usually water with a clonex solution about 5-6 days after i take the clones and then every few days as they start to root.. they get clonex, kelp extract, and hygrozyme once rooted until transplant.. i used to use roots accelerator from van de schwaan which is awesome but really pricey!! gotta work on a budget these days! haha.. good luck with the grow!