Galatians chapter 5 verse 20?

The word witchcraft in this verse, translates to pharmakeia (Greek) and is defined as:
From G5332; medication (“pharmacy”), that is, (by extension) magic (literal or figurative): – sorcery, witchcraft.
From φάρμακον pharmakon (a drug, that is, spell giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, that is, (by extension) a magician: – sorcerer.
Just out of curiosity do you think the word “Witchcraft” applies to modern day recreational drugs? (Excluding Marijuana) or do you believe it is something more sinister?
I will determine the best answer and reward you with the points for best answer, if you have the same view as I do.
God Bless You
Witchcraft is Sorcery, it can be drug abuse, or something more sinister like biological weapons. Science can be good or it can be used as witchcraft.
it does mean sorcery which is dangerous…
Not just recreational drugs, but many doctor-prescribed ones as well.
Regardless of the substance, if one abuses it or becomes addicted to it, one has a severe problem.
No Rx for me thanks. I’ll take an occasional aspirin, but I know a pharmaceutical chemist who have said you shouldn’t even take Tylenol. Not revealing source k.
I think it is refering to witchcraft, magic, sorcerer, not drugs. Obviously recreational drugs are also something that we should obstain from, but I dont think that they are referred to as witchcraft.
All drugs even Marijuana are magic and dangerous. We think of witchcraft as casting spells.
Witchcraft can mean seductive charm: alluring or seductive charm or influence
Drugs can be a seductive charm: alluring or seductive charm or influence.
Galatia was located in what would today be considered northern Turkey. The population included Celtic people from Gaul (France). They often used drugs during pagan worship in order to commune with the gods. So i think it refers to using mind-altering or hallucinogenic drugs, not drugs (medicine) in general.
Since witchcraft is between idolatry and hatred (in the verse), and “drunkenness, revellings, and such like” is mentioned in the next verse, I would say that Paul’s original intent was real witchcraft, not drugs.
Why do you exclude Marijuana?
I’ve heard this discussed before. I think it refers specifically to drug abuse. Including using it on someone else for the purpose of harming or taking advantage of them.
“Drug abuse has a wide range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. All of these definitions imply a negative judgement of the drug use in question (compare with the term responsible drug use for alternative views). Some of the drugs most often associated with this term include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opium alkaloids.”
Witchcraft –
“Practices to which the witchcraft label have historically been applied are those which influence another person’s mind, body or property against his or her will, or which are believed, by the person doing the labelling, to undermine the social or religious order.”
To those who are witches, please don’t assume that I think all witches do this or are bad people. A small percentage, maybe.
And we have also heard many stories about the date-rape drugs.
Here’s a new one I heard about just today.
So, yes I think there are people out there who use drugs to not only harm themselves, but harm others. And not just those we thought possibly before, but those who use them to commit crimes.
I gotta be honest here, I have thought about this for some time.. The whole drug, pharmacy, doctor , witchcraft thing, and I am still doing so, NOT the witchcraft stuff, well, maybe so, sense I think it all ties in together…. I do believe there are a few natural herbs and plants given to us by God to help our bodies along in life, NOT the kind that alter life, like Marijuana, LSD, and others of that nature, I am talking more along the line of the cooking herbs, the natural seasonings and tenderizer kinds, etc…. and yes even salt….. but, I am of the belief also that the bible is speaking of any source of healing out side the spiritual realm of God… A Child of God should have the faith level to be healed !!! but to answer your question : I think the word witchcraft applies to ALL drugs !! Look around you, there are so many wonder drugs on the market, and has been for years now, the human race is becoming immune to the *help* drugs….. they have to become bigger and better and more wonderful each year…. soon nothing will help even the most common of sicknesses….. go in peace….. God bless
The Bible condemns drug abuse, not the proper healing use of drugs; and while “pharmacy” in modern use means drugs put to proper use, the older meaning was drug abuse—for harm, not healing. In the Bible such pharmacy is put in very bad company—“the works of the flesh,” whose practicers “will not inherit God’s kingdom.” (Galatians 5:19-21) Says The International Standard Bible Encyclopædia: “Paul in Gal 5 20 classes with uncleanness, idolatry, etc, what he calls pharmakeía . . . drugs used in exercising the magical art.” Note, then, the great spiritual harm of addictive substances used for pleasure: They cut one off from God’s favor—and from God’s people.
Due to the magical use of drugs in Bible times, Galatians 5:20, 21 translates phar·ma·ki′a as “practice of spiritism.” But the Kingdom Interlinear translation shows “druggery” as the literal meaning, and Ferrar Fenton’s translation uses “poisoning.” Bible scholar Adam Clarke specified that “drugs” and “fumigations” (smoke) were employed “to produce supernatural effects.”
Emphasizing this unsavory side of pharmacy, Word Pictures in the New Testament says: “If one is puzzled over the connection between medicine and sorcery . . . by this word (our pharmacy), he has only to recall quackery today in medicine . . . witch-doctors, professional faith-healers, medicine-men in Africa.” Yes, and we might also recall “the very cornerstone of Amerindian religion”—the shaman, or priest, smoking tobacco in his “peace pipe.”
Therefore, it is no wonder that Revelation 22:15 says that “outside” God’s Paradise Kingdom are “the druggers [phar·ma·koi′] and the fornicators and the murderers.”—Int.
I’m wondering why you chose to focus on one particular word. From verse 19 through verse 21 the Bible tells us what God considers evil. They include adultery (having sex with anyone but your marrital partner), fornication, (having sex before marriage), lewdness, sorcery hatred, contentions outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions and so on.
Then from verses 22 to 25 the Bible talks about the Fruit of the Spirit which are all good things that are completely opposite to the above. Lovely things like love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. I think those are beautiful things to try and live by. It would be a much nicer site if we focussed on the positive aspects of the Bible that many of us need to be reminded of.