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Go Smokeless ? Medical Marijuana and Vaporizers

Go Smokeless ? Medical Marijuana and Vaporizers

The e-cigarette has recently become all the rage.  The device looks like a cigarette but is smokeless.  It is basically a mini-vaporizer.  It heats the nicotine solution (without burning) into a liquid vapor which is inhaled into the lungs.  The “smoker” gets the effects of the nicotine without inhaling any of the harmful chemicals from burning tobacco like tar and other chemicals.

The technology is not new.  Medical Marijuana patients have been using vaporizers for quite some time.  The principle is the same as the e-cigarette: heat the medical herb up without burning it.  The heating process releases “the good stuff” into a vapor that can be inhaled.  This is especially crucial for the MMJ patient who doesn’t need any additional harmful things for an already degraded physical condition.Why “vape” instead of smoke?Vaporization, also known as volatization, is a process by which the active elements of a substance are released through the application of heat without combustion.  In other words, the substance is heated, but never burned.  This is an important distinction.  When a substance is burned, a chemical change takes place and the molecular structure of the substance is actually changed.  When there is excessive heat, this process of denaturing becomes pyrolysis – a major drawback to smoking a material.  Pyrolysis changes the physical make up of your smoking material and is believed to lead to the introduction of additional harmful toxins.Health Benefits of VaporizationMany “vapologists” tout the benefits of vaporization as a means of administering their medicine.  Among many of the  benefits, they cite:

Vaporization produces no harmful by products such as carbon monoxide, tar, or carcinogenic gases. The vapor is considerably cooler than smoke, and is less stringent on the lungs and nasal passages. Vaporization produces a more concentrated “hit” that makes for greater control over the amount of product needed and many users are able to conserve medicine. (SAVE MONEY) The vaporized medicine enters the blood stream quickly and more efficiently than smoke.

Go Smokeless now.  You’ll be glad you did.


Learn more about Medical Marijuana in Colorado:

Learn more or join in on a discussion of how Medical Marijuana can help you at the Colorado Medical Marijuana Info blog and forum.

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