Herbal Incense Review: Barely Legal Incense (8.5/10)

Review of Barely Legal Incense done by the HomeMadeToker! Product Page: barely-legal-incense.com Information about JWH being banned in Florida and Texas can be found here: barely-legal-incense.com UPDATE: JWH has been banned in the USA www.ofr.gov After seeing Mrniceguywholesale.com change their domain to barely-legal-incense.com, I wondered how good this product is considering they rearranged their site to focus on this. My first time I burned a small amount and had a REALLY bad experience. I couldn’t move for like 30 minutes, I threw up a lot, eventually passed out and when I woke up my throat was sore and I had a killer headache. Most people wouldn’t touch this stuff again afterward, and I almost didn’t, however I tried it again (less than half of the first amount) and had a pretty decent experience. This stuff has a pretty mild taste to it and has a super relaxing effect, similar to that of cannabis, however it is completely legal in America (for now?) and is definitely worth trying while it’s around. Overall: 8.5/10 Definitely worth trying out, just BE CAREFUL! I don’t encourage anyone under the age of 18 to smoke.
this is some good shit smoked two bowls to the head my first time and i was as blinded as ive ever been the mango flavored is the best!
this is good shit ive tried it get the mango flavored one fucked my shit up
dood where do you live in fl
i get it for 9 bucks :p
i appreciate you making this review man. My 1 gram came in the mail the other day and i still haven’t burnt it because i wanted to find some information on it. I am an experienced incense user also so its good to get some information from people like you. Thanks again!
this shit is 32 bucks a gram in WV. now that’s bullshit
going for 10.95 a gram in FL….this shit is hella potent…i smoked a nice bowl out the bong and held it like a champ -afterwards i didn’t know wtf was going on or what to do w/ myself lol
I just did a review on this. I swear by mr nice guy products like panic and stuck. But this stuff blew my expectation out of the water, I burnt prob double what you did 2 big gravity bong hits and was uncontrollably stoned. Almost sick. The funny thing is i had to delete the first video i did of it because i got so messed up. Agree fully with this guy, This incense is not for the faint hearted
This was the first spice type product I’ve tried. I don’t know how the others are but be warned, this stuff is seriously potent. Like, more potent than the most potent MJ by several degrees. If you take tiny hits of the stuff and wait to feel the effects before taking another, you’ll be fine and it will seem just like hitting some really nice ganj.
This stuff made me totally trip out for the first few times. Yeah, I took two huge hits each time, but WOW. It’s pretty impressive. My tolerance built up very fast though
@strawberrycoffing i just purchased some because of your description lol i hope its as good as your description
burn a bowl at school ha
@strawberrycoffing I might review that blend if I can manage to get a sample from trance herbals.
does anyone know what they use in blue electric from some company called trance herbals? It’s legal in most states i guess (i found in headshop in 2 diff states) and i was high for 3 hours at least got the crazystoned, munchies, slept like a baby lol and NO ANXIETY. wayyy better than other synths i’ve tried. i’m looking for the CBD’s they use in it.. if someone knows what they are i would really appreciate the info. very much!
It’s powerful shit, no doubt. Doesn’t last but 45 minutes though. Blue Electric is my current favorite as it lasts 2 1/2-3 hours and feels more like pot. Barely Legal is like an awesome 45 minute sativa rush though. Just wish it was longer 🙁
@TheDreamMechanic Thanks man! Just your comment makes doing what I do worth it. Keep on toking!
@edgarallanpoet They usually ship in standard USPS flat rate envelopes that don’t say anything on them. Although the credit card billing sends the payments to “DOUBLE D’s Tobacco”
Do they ship discreetly? What does the the package say when it arrives at your door?
Damn…I’m glad I watched this. I just ordered 2 grams of it….surprising to see the amount of smoke off that little bit of incense. Very informative, and good work for the people!
@shujaahm90 Well, not ALL JWH is banned, there are still a couple that are legal, but the mainly used ones are the ones that got banned. According to the link in the description the ones that got banned are: JWH-018, JWH-073 and JWH-200. Some people still use ones like JWH-20 since it’s still legal, but the main JWHs are illegal now. I don’t know what chemical is used in those incense blends, but if they’ve been around for a while and are not recently new then they might use a banned JWH.
Woah woah woah dude! I don’t believe all JWH is banned. Only JHW 18 is banned. i live in texas and i get products like 42 degreez, sonic boom and a whole lot more and they have JHW. Maybe I am wrong. Could you confirm that please?
I got strawberry flavor, its pretty dam strong, 3 puffs I was stoned off my ass. It works trust me!
this was really helpful. i used to burn mr nice guy and it was awesome, howver it is extremely powerful. one time i had a really bad trip, dizzyness, vomiting, and eventually i passed out, that was all beacause i smoked about a half a bag of panic in a blunt. way too much for what i thought i could handle. the trick to getting high with this stuff is burning very small amouts at a time. im glad you showed that in this video.
@uNReLaXeDx Hmm, well, I’ve never smoked that blend before, but I can compare it chemical-wise. I’m not really sure, but I think this stuff is made with AM-2201, that’s basically the new JWH now that the old JWH is banned. This AM stuff is about 2 or 3 times stronger than the JWH that most incense blends used (this stuff only lasts for about 30 minutes though), so if you know what chemical blend was used with that incense you might be able to come up with something
Hey Dude Good Review i got a question though,
I smoke Cloud Ten Storm On the regular first 2 or 3 times of smoke were crazy but now its relaxing, How much stronger do you think this is then that? If you smoked it that is. Reply thanks