hey! i think m codeine addicted cn anybody help me plz?

hi all,
here r sum probs wid me abt addiction. let me tell u my eaxperience,
i was 17 very gud sportsperson, gud in studies also.
wen i got admission in engg. college, which was so far away frm my home thts y i started living in hostel wid my frens. everything was going fine nd i was so happy nd funloving guy never misses my my lectures, always loves to laugh, my frends was also as da same, v didn’t knw wat da hell drugs r nd even never met any addicted person before, bt wen i came to 3rd year some of my frenz came in contact of my some seniors, da seniors were used to take drugs nd i think they were addicted so my frenz also started taking drugs in da company of seniors, i got aware of dis wen i saw a corex(contains codeine)cough syrup in da pocket of my best frend.from dat time i started forcing him not to take dat bt he didn’t stopped it as he always keep saying its a heaven nd kept taking that, after 1 month i also tried half of da bottle to see wat it gives so, i was also feeling da pleasure nd felt lik wat a life after taking dis nd den after my frens & me both takes 1 bottle each wid 2 spasmo proxyvon capsules nd keep taking them for 3 months.
after dat i came to home nd nothing was wrong wid me i was ok to leave codeine at dat time bt i still wanted to take dat. after 2 weeks spending at home i returned back to coll nd started my daily routine in heaven, with da thinking of that i can leave ths any time any where as i was not addicted.
it was nt enough thn 1 day we found another shit marijuana, we were used to take dat in night wen codeine’s pleasure was at da end nd started taken 4 cigs in only 4 hrs nw dis was our daily routine.
wenever i goes to home i dnt used to take any thing bt wen returns back to college i couldn’t live without dat not due to my addiction but only to enjoy my remaining coll life nd ths whole proccess continued for 2 yrs.i also started telling lie to my parents for money evry month which was nt enough to get the codeine nd i finish the money in only a month, 4 which i will regret my whole life.
but after dat i realy wanted to leave dis, as my parents trusted me alot, m a mechanical engineer nw nd a job holder since 2 yrs passed, wenever i want to leave it i didnt think i cant live widout it , automatically my steps goes towards the pharmacy nd nw m taking 4 bottles per day, nw i dnt think dat m in heaven wen i consumes dat bt on da earth nd wen i dnt take it i want to cry even i dnt feel so much pain in my body but my nervous system is B/Down i agree nd cant live happy widout it as it gives me confidence 2 without taking dis i cnt talk to anyone.
even my parents also get aware of dis wen last time i was in home they hv seen me wid 6 bottles of corex wid me nd i was still hiding dat bt however i convince dem i m nt addicted nd sweared of god i will nt tak any more, my mom was literally crying 4 me to do so at dat time i made comitment to my self nw i really wont take, bt in vain its six months passed tht i came frm home to my job place nd i was still taking bt since 2 days i cold turkey, its my 2nd day nd my heart is still willing to take i dnt knw y it happens wenever i leave it just after a week i starts again. wat face i will show to my parents nd dat god, i sweared of.
cn i again cm to earth widout taking codeine, cn i still laugh out wid my frens or i will remain silent as it is 4 whole life.
plzzzzzz tell me anybody wat to do wth ths.
Codeine Addiction is a growing problem right around the world.
I recommend joining the Codeine Addiction Help Forum, just go to
This forum has helped thousands of codeine addicts over the last 6 years
The codeine is a physical addiction as well as a mental one. That is 2 fights that you will have to get the strength to battle. The first thing you have to do is to stop lying to yourself. You have been lying to your parents to hide all this, and lying to yourself that you could handle this. You seem like you realize you are not in control. But only you can decide for yourself who/what is going to run your life. It won’t be easy, but then why should it be.
First thing is that you can’t successfully do this yourself. The probability of failure is too high as you have already proven. You need someone to help you, and it certainly is not those friends that got you in this mess. Is it? You need all the support you can get right now. I don’t know what services are available in your area so that is a disadvantage. Here in the US there are drug counseling centers and rehab centers to help people with these kinds of problems.
The first people you need to turn to are your parents. Admitting you have the problem is one big step that you must take. Tell them everything just as you did here. They will be upset and maybe disappointed, but they are your parents and they will still love you. They might want to spank you, but they will still love you. From that point, your parents may know the best way to help you. They can probably find out if not. Religious leaders are also a good place to turn to for advice. They frequently are called upon to help in these kinds of situations and will know what is available locally. You just have to take the first steps yourself. No one else can do that for you. So if you are serious….get your courage up…..and get to it.
Good luck.
I was hooked on oxycontin (aka doctor prescribed heroin) for 2 years. Kratom made it easy to quit. It suppresses all withdrawals nearly instantly. It’s truly amazing. You might also want to look into Salvia, though Salvia is a little tricky to deal with.