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home drug screening kits
At first thought the idea of insisting that your teenager submit to home drug testing seems horrible. It’s an invasion of privacy; it betrays the trust between parent and child. No one believes that their child will start doing drugs. No one believes that their child will drink and drive. The truth though is that no matter how many talks you have about the dangers of drugs the evils of drunk driving every year some kids just fall through the cracks and start using drugs and/or alcohol. The fact is though that sometimes they do and some might just do it once but for some it becomes a problem. That’s when the at home drug testing can be an invaluable tool
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It’s one thing to talk to our children about drugs but a lot of the trouble is that other parents are not as diligent about talking to their kids about drugs and telling them of the consequences. It’s so hard to fight this battle alone. One important way to help is to network with other parents
When MTV’s award-winning reality show True Life which targets teens and young adults takes up prescription drug addiction you can be sure it’s a widespread problem. The only improvement might have been more about the advantages of medical drug detox and coverage of some successful rehab modalities
You love animals. You may even be a vegetarian. You know that testing chemicals on rabbits and monkeys is cruel but you’re not sure what one person can do about it
Recently an international team of researchers based in Texas and Japan have been experimenting with an obesity treatment nicknamed ‘Fatostatin’ that has been shown to not only make mice lose weight but also shows great promise in the treatment of diabetes and even the lowering of cholesterol. These scientists have identified a small molecule therapy program that alters the genetic code involved in the way the human body turns food into fat
Carl Icahn the hostile takeover master who was THE original corporate raider is often quoted as saying ‘In this business if you want a friend get a dog!’ The rest of us already knew that dog was man’s best friend and with good reason. Dogs as pets date back at least as far as the days of Pompeii where the remains of a dog stretched out next to a little boy were recovered from the rubble at Pompeii
After stopping her bio-identical hormone therapy a few years back and now on the verge of menopausal crisis a former patient returned to her nurse practitioner’s care. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study reported an increase risk of cancer in those subjects using HRT but let’s set the record straight. The WHI was studying synthetic NOT bio-identical hormones