Hope Report 5/19/09 – Medical Marijuana Law Stands Supreme Test

Aaron Klein of Hope Unlimited reports on the recent US Supreme Court decision refusing to hear San Diego County’s appeal. The County had already been told by two lower courts that there challenge to Proposition 215 was without merit. Aaron looks back at the opposition to the lawsuit when it was filed. Dion Markgraaf of Americans for Safe Access, and Barbara Mackenzie of Shelter from the Storm speak against this now losing lawsuit before it begins. Aaron also goes inside the battle surrounding the recent decision and highlights Rudy Reyes’ contributions fighting at the County level for San Diego patient’s rights. President Barack Obama’s views are highlighted for the County Supervisors by Mr Reyes.
atleast he stopped DEA raids on dispenceries
Osama is not likely to decriminalize hemp, be prepared for a big letdown with this bozo
hahaahh how lucky I am to live in SD, gotta get me my card now ๐
What’s up with that he actually does
Video’s mad quiet at some parts
Who’s gonna tell him he can’t get stoned? Nobody.
oboma looks fuckin stoned
All the reasons they give for marijuana to stay illegal are the same reasons why alcohol and tobacco should be illegal. Can someone please tell me why alcohol is legal? All three pose health threats with alcohol and cigarettes causing all deaths since marijuana never has. Am I stupid or what?!!
i sharing hope is unlimited it gives alot of info i am interested in
This has been fantastic news, but it’s a reminder of how we can never relax the fight. What we have now can at any time be stricken down, just like with gay marriage in CA. It passed and lasted a little while, then it was snatched away.
San Bernadino and Riverside are pure faciest…they want to control all the drugs cuz they are the ones pushing them. I had a friend who got raided and everything stolen….no charges ever filed and evidence just disapeared. Thats all this is about. control and profit by those who are paid by the taxpayers. They are cowards and never address the meth problem in their communities but go after the little guy….the medical grower…SHAME ON SO CAL.
wow maybe there is hope
I hope that this blatant example of over policed non-considerate laws over common sense will open American’s eyes up leading to a revolution.
excellent, so now we have precedent in defending the states from the feds, joy!
Nice to see the Shelter From The Storm sticker in the corner of the shot!
wow- very fast update- a lot of info. hope is unlimited!!