How does one get a job at a medical marijuana dispensary?

Is there an age limit? Do I have to get a prescription? Is there anything else I need to know it my attempt to get the greatest job ever?
Is there an age limit? Do I have to get a prescription? Is there anything else I need to know it my attempt to get the greatest job ever?
THC is Seattle’s premier medical marijuana and cannabis dispensary offering the highest quality medical marijuana at lowest donations!... Read More »
Candidates for San Francisco District 3 Supervisor are asked if they support medical marijuana dispensaries, needle exchange programs,... Read More »
Men arrested in Medical Marijuana dispensary bust appear in court Read More »
haha i’m pretty sure you cant be a stoner for starters, and you have to become a physician first, pretty hard work
You don’t know how who you were affects why you are who you are when what you do where you are you is unemployed. Me too………….cheers
good luck, I litterly dream every night about living in California (GA SUCKS) and working in a medical MJ facility, I dont think you have to be a doctor, I saw a program on it on NBC and there was a girl who was like 20 with a t shirt (D.A.R.E) and jeans on so im thinking she was not a doctor, I will add a link to a website telling you exactly how to get a lisense, you gotta go to oaksterdam in oakland or similar to get certified to work at a dispensary, when I move to california, doing this program is high on my list. good luck and keep fighting for the good!