How long does it take marijuana to get completely out your system?

I use to smoke pot heavily and the last time I did it was July 22 or 23rd, I’ve been clean since then and I have to take a drug test around September 3rd. I know it varies depending on your metabolism and body weight, I am 5’3 (and a half) and I am 151 pounds. I’m not fat, I am just very chesty. Will all the marijuana be out of my system by September 3rd?
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How long does marijuana stay in your system?
In: Drug Tests, Marijuana
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Ways to prevent brittle bones. I attended a court ruled drug class and learned that marijuana has a halflife in your system. How long it takes to leave your system depends on how much you smoke. But the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean. So if you are maxed out and you wait about 2 weeks and then smoke again, you’re basically back to 45 days.
This also depends on the test. Most job drug tests only test down to about 100 nanograms, which isn’t dead accurate but will pick up if you are a smoker obviously. Court-appointed tests can test anywhere down to 10-20 nanograms, which is very accurate, and can also detect high levels of water, and any other drug test liquids. You can not fool those tests, and drinking water and tea does nothing for getting weed out of your system at all. The ONLY way to get it out is time, because it is in your blood.
Here is more input from other contributors:
Marijuana can be detected in urine for nearly a week after smoking. Blood tests can be more accurate, and it might take a month to be totally clear. Hair tests show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing – this is why you see so many drug addicts with shaved heads or buzz cuts, by the way. Also by the way: taking laxatives and drinking wacky chemicals won’t “cheat” a drug test. It will just make you go to the bathroom!
I don’t usually smoke marijuana but I went to the comedy show and smoked a blunt. I smoked the blunt on February 29, 2008, and took a urine test for a job on Tuesday, March 11, and tested negative. My height is 5′ 7.5″ and I am overweight (254 lbs.), but I go to the gym 4-5 days a week and drink plenty of water.
I recall reading a while back that weed — if you are a rare user — usually stays in your system 3-4 days. But to be safe, I would say a 10-day “test window” after you last smoked will give you a negative result. If you are a regular user, you will definitely have to detox yourself for at least 30 days.
Also, when you take those drug tests, it stipulates that if there is any reason to believe that you have tried to deceive the test it would be treated as a positive and you won’t be hired anyway. Therefore, I’m sure they also test for those substances that will give you a negative reading when they do the test.
I don’t smoke weed regularly, but only every few months, over the duration of about a week. Whenever I’ve had to do a drug test, I just drank plenty of water (lots!) on the night before the test — and on the day of the test — and it came back clean. I also take a hydrochlorothiazide pill and I’m sure that helps too.
Most of the answers on this blog are incorrect. It depends on how often you smoke, and on your metabolism. If you smoke once a week for 3 months and stop, you’ll be clean within 3-5 days. If you smoke daily for 3 months and then stop, but exercise daily, you’re looking at 2-3 weeks. The best way to find out is to purchase a few urine tests. They’re cheap, and you can use them at home.
I’ve never heard of a blood test for marijuana.
There are ways to beat a hair test. Cut your hair to a reasonably short length and use Aloe Rid daily. Soak your hair in an astringent and wash with Tide. Again, you can buy hair test and mail it in.
It doesn’t take months.
I know the best way to get bud out of your system in under 3 days. All it takes is for you to suck up and gulp down something nasty: It’s called psyllium. It’s a type of powder you mix in a drink. Drink this stuff fast; the longer you wait, the tougher it is to drink. Take it 3 times a day, and 3 days later, you’ll be THC-free. You can get it at any local grocery store or health store.
First, there are multiple types and qualities of drug tests and these can greatly effect the amount of time the marijuana will stay in your system.
Urine tests: This depends greatly on how much you smoke and the quality of the test. If you don’t smoke often — say, about once a week — are skinny (because the marijuana residue is stored in the fat cells), have a fast metabolism (this determines how quickly you use your fat cells), and stop smoking (this is important) it will take about 3 or 4 weeks. But if you have a urine test to get a job, drink a lot of water — I’m talking about liters — a few hours before you go, and your urine will be so diluted that it will be impossible for the test to pick anything up.
Blood tests: This takes six months. Period.
Hair follicle tests: Well, since the residue will stay in your blood system for approximately six month
Almost definitely. The thc in marijuana is stored in sub dermal fat and 99 percent of the time those fat cells are used within 3 to 5 weeks.
anywhere from 3-30 days, depending on your metabolism and the amount of marijuana that you’ve smoked. marijuana could still be detected in a urine test up to a month after the last time it is used. If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days. If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace, it can stay in the body for 90 days,
S00 thats accordiiNg 2 google
i thiink you should be okay 😀
Yes it will be out of your system 4 sure. But if you relapse remember this. quit 5 days before test drink 1 gallon green tea/water a day, and sweat at least 1/2 a pint a day. Then the day of the physical make sure to drink ONLY a little bit of ORANGE JUICE and take a vitamin c pill. The sweating is so that you get the thc out of your system through sweat. The water is so that the water clears your viens out and makes you pee often(your pee will get clear because of this). And the orange juice and vitamin c the day of the urine test is so that your pee has the regular green color to it still(they will know that you drank water to pass your physical if you dont do this).
Yo. I see alot of very accurate answers but I will give it to you strait. I used to be in your situation and i am a heavy bud smoker. probably 5 times a day. I was on probation and had court appointed drug tests and let me tell you it is tricky. I smoked once on probation and failed the test 20 something days later. Another time I smoked heavyily for a month and quit for 5 days and I came clean on the test day. Weed is stored in your fat cells and if your test is from a doctor or court appointed test it is called a lab test. (WEED IS NOT STORED IN YOUR BLOOD!) These tests are very accurate because I have tried to fool them many times. I have only gotten away with it once or twice. Excercising like running, playing sports, working out or sweating for that matter can help alot. Try not to eat too much without excerscising because this will increase your fat content by a miniscule number but fat works in layers so dont overeat because when you excercise it will take that much longer to get rid of the bud. If you dont smoke I garuntee you that you will be clean but if you do slip up here are some tips. Keep in mind all of these things need to be done about 3 day in advance of your drug test unless it is a simple dipstick test.
-Excercise a couple times a day
-Vinegar doesnt work so dont try it.
-Most GNC system cleaning remedies dont work and are expensive, stear clear.
-Cranberry juice and Cranberry concentrate vitamins help out alot
-Beer helps alot and I would say any diueretic would work as long as you countered the dehydration with more juices and fluids.
-Water helps but is not very efficient.
-Also try taking Niacin vitamins (Found in grocery stores)
-If you have a dipstick test there are many ways to fool it. such as..
Watering it down (Not too much because it may drasticly lower temperature.
Another tip for a dipstick test is to drink many fluids until every time you piss it is clear. Continue to do this because this means that your body is so hydrated it does not have enough time to build up the metabolites from drugs and then take some vitamin b12. This will give your clear piss a dark yellow tint fooling most people as long as they dont know too much about tests (Say your parents..)
I hope this helps you and remember, if your test is court appointed dont take any risks. In jail or juvy you cant get high so wait until you dont have any tests.
Take care my brotha
All you need to know is that THC will not be detectable in your body after a week of no smoking, and plenty of water.. Can vary however up to maybe 2 to 2 and a half weeks.
Also, maybe look into a detox, that cleans ya right up.
It’s already been about a month so you should be just fine
It depends how much of it you’ve smoked and how fast your metabolism is. To a skinny person who smokes one bowl a year, it will probably leave their system within 4 days. If you’re not so skinny and you smoke like 2 ounces in a week, it will probably take about a month.