How MARIJUANA effects the Brain

Basic it protects it But watch it first so you understand what i mean. SUBSCRIBE TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA CANNABIS HIGH MARIHUANA MEDICAL WEED 420
Basic it protects it But watch it first so you understand what i mean. SUBSCRIBE TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA CANNABIS HIGH MARIHUANA MEDICAL WEED 420
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
My friend has ocd as a child and has been smoking since 2005 and its been getting wost, he seems like he’s depressed and feeling trapped..
@1AngelSolo first of all, lets spell it correctly… Marijuana. second no it doesn’t.
@BritishBuds420 created by the one and only GOD
@1AngelSolo That’s a common misbelief. Everyone seems to think that marijuana causes schizophrenia. There is definitely a link, approximately 80% of all schizophrenics smoke marijuana but whether or not it’s a causal link is less clear. What is true is that marijuana usage has nearly doubled in the last decades… but schizophrenia has declined. Why hasn’t the rate of schizophrenia also nearly doubled if it is caused by marijuana?
@1AngelSolo No it doesnt, it can TRIGGER it in people who are predisposed. And did you also know that a chemical in cannabis, cannabidiol, actually TREATS schizophrenia? Google cannbidiol and schizophrenia.
marihuana causes schizophrenia.
the red spot on the brain are destroyed part or what ? i smoke marijane annd i starte to worrry about my cellule … marijuana do destroy me ?
3:24 soooo many receptors in the penis lol.
nothing ^^ unlikely to alcohol
@dankprodigy you cant just make a statement like that and expect anyone to think that its true. when a doctor or a scientist tells me that i will die faster because of it then fine… but not some random person who obviously just has a biased opinion on the subject.
What does it do to your liver?
@dankprodigy You sure its not the crack shortening your lifespan?
marijuana is not healthy in any way. using marijuana will make you die faster. I’ve smoked marijuana for years and anyone who denies what i have said is a fool.
@SolarEXtract Yep Its a amazing plant tbh
So, cannabis essentially aids in regulating and protecting the endocannabinoid system in the brain. That’s pretty fascinating!