How much marihuana does a person have to carry in order to get charged for drug possession?

Does the marihuana has to be found in the suspect’s house?body(ex.pantspocket),car to be considered felony?
Does the marihuana has to be found in the suspect’s house?body(ex.pantspocket),car to be considered felony?
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In the states, if you have ANY you can be charged. the difference is when you have for it to be argued that you are planning on selling it.
It depends on what state and how much marijuana your’re carrying. In the state of Florida, anything over 20 grams is a felony amount. Everything under that is a misdemeanor. The state attorney’s office will have to prove that it’s yours. If its in your pants, your purse, or in the driver’s seat you are sitting in, then that’s not hard to do.
actually it depends on what state you’re in
Any amount here (Missouri) and you can be charged with possession.
It becomes a felony at 35 grams.
In new zealand ( where im from) You can be charged if you have any at all. Also you can be charged for having utencils ( pipes etc). If you have a large amount they may suspect you of dealing adn then your in the serious shit…….. if you get caught, by the end of the week you be somones bitch in jail
In the US, ANY amount is chargeable, even a single seed, bud, or stem. But there are many different levels of charge, depending on the amount. These range from “possession of less than an ounce” to “possession with intent to distribute”.
The location (house, body, car) is not what constitues a felony. It is the amount and the intent (personal use, distribution, etc.)
The local police where I live arrested and charged a guy with possession because he admitted being under the influence of marijuana. Even though he smoked all the evidence it was still in his system and in his possession. I don’t know if he was convicted but I doubt it.
If it is enough to be identifiable it’s enough to charge you with. They just have to prove that it is yours. If it is in the trunk of your buddies car they would probably charge him even if it belonged to you. His car his drugs.