how to germinate marijuana seeds 24 hour check 2/3

checking marijuana seeds 24 hours into germination
checking marijuana seeds 24 hours into germination Check out this link now if you want to learn more about growing weed or buy the... Read More »
Day 21. Using 1 WHITE florescent light and 1 YELLOW florescent light. Each light is 100watts that give... Read More »
Grow Maxx’s grow guru Dave shows you how to start seeds totally hydroponic and with little or no... Read More »
I just germinated about 30 seeds and i do not no what to do next. Can you PLEASE help me man. im not tryin to let these things die on me. and what are you putting the germinated seeds into.. if you dont mind me asking. please help man and thanks!
I just germinated about 30 seeds and i do not no what to do next. Can you PLEASE help me man. im not tryin to let these things die on me. and what are you putting the germinated seeds into.. if you dont mind me asking. please help man and thanks!
what’s those two that you used in 1:24?
Its better if you sperm on the plate and spread it around so it gets on the seeds. This way the seeds have enough protein to survive.
@colombiano2442 Potting soil….
hey greenhouse ganster i have some older seeds from some normal bud i had like a months or so ago in a bottle in my dresser drawer. i took them out and did all the step you said. after they germinate. *if they do i hope* am i able to grow them with just a light, or outside? I mean i have parents to worry about. Would i be able to put the germinated seeds in a small flowering pot with some soil and just have a simple light shining on it? Thanks thanks please reply!
you are really good props!!!!!
this didnt work for me my friend did it except he folded the paper towel so many times over it then i unfolded it so its folded once over and i didnt know it only took 1 or 2 days i been waiting for 3 and no results. i guess ill throw em out
!!!!and also a big mistake; the germ MUST be pointed to the top, the root is coming on the other side when the germ shows out of the soil/cube!!!! you just did it wrong
it’s not good for the seeds to touch them with your fingers when germinating/germinated because you stress them that way
you planted the seed the wrong way.. although the part that comes out is the root, it is supposed to go up so that it can then turn downwards and then the seed lifts itself out
what if the paper towel get dry? do you just put more water to it??
the position of the seed is not that important, in nature seeds will sprout regardles of what position the are in.
i have a few grows under my belt and in fact i find that when i plant the seed with the tap root pointing up my seedlings break the soil faster and they also look more robust!
spike tag root fagit
you plant the seed with the white pointing downwards, they wont grow if its pointing up
thanks for info dude and yes that is obv lol
thanks for the help dude without sarcasam unlike some people . ive grown twice before but that was years ago and forgot which way to plant it lool . once again thanks
@TheNatho1988 downwards its the root be sure not to break it though or your start allover if you think you can plant it with a broken root then your dumb
the white bit would be the root so plant it downwards
i see lots of vids that say place the seed with the white bit downwards and other vids that say place the seed whith the white bit upwards so which one is actually correct its very confusing information ?
Nice Video, I found this great site online with some awesome glass bongs and pipes you can check it out at everypipe (.) com
I have some Indoor seeds for ‘Misc’ purpoeses, how long should it take untill harvest?
Yes you can just plant in soil without germinating. they will germinate in soil just fine.
It will be longer before you see anything because you dont get the “ooh pretty tip” phase.
But 2 days to tip then plant that then 5 days to see a shoot = 7 days. which is about what you have to wait if u plant right in soil.
some other video said leave them on yer window ledgefor 2-3 days is this true as I tryed growing one without germinating and just took it out of the soil after about a day nothing happened and I heard ya gotta germinate 1st. BTW there were a few small worms in the soil is that okay? I am a new grower and just probably wasted a day where it could of been germinating. I have too germinating now but will start with one to see if it works.
what? You can just plant the seed without germinating? I have 2 seed’s and I started growing one yesturday and today found out I need to germinate them so I stoped trying to grow it. I am new to growing. Nothing happend to the seed I started yesturday after noon and this afternoon stoped to germnate it. the soil had some worms in it. So are you saying I could of just started to grow it by planting it. it doesn’t need the spout?
Place them on a thin layer of soil, on a thin layer of paper tower, or directly in soil “You dont actually HAVE to germinate them, you can just plant them…” they will germinate on thier own too.
For the first two options place in a ziplock baggie or small portable green house.