how to grow marijuana indoors buy growing marijuana outdoors for beginners purple haze seeds

this is the best way to learn how to grow weed….if you want see more video,how to grow weed click on my web… is the best way to learn how to grow weed….if you want see more video,how to grow weed click on my web…
@CharlesL33 I’m not sure what your asking. Do you mean a hybrid of the two different types? If you smoke enough of any kind of weed it will make you sleepy. Indica just tends to produce that effect. That’s why people tend to smoke a sativa strain during the day and switch to an Indica at night.
@danopageadditt thanks so much for your help. 😀
and what about the indica sativa strains? do they produce an engergetic sleepy high?
what did he mean by cure???
@lysis666 how did you get it 6 inches in 5 days
hey i need advie my plant it 5 days old 6 inchs tall and when i take it away from the light it falls right over wat should i do. someone repsond please. to i snip the top to leaves to cut the weight or is my plant just dying its fine under the light but once i take it away 2 seconds later its falls over wats going on?
I can’t grow any where I live. My cellmates say HI YALL!
@CharlesL33 Yes the hig Sativa is a more energetic high and Indica will be more of a sleepy high. This also depends on when you harvest. For example I have found that if you pick your Indica weed a couple of weeks early this will also produce a less sleepy high. But it is a fine line and you risk having immature weed that doesn’t get you very high at all.
@danopageadditt do they have any difference in the buds themselves?
@CharlesL33 Indica marijuana grows short and bushy while Sativa marijuana grows tall and less bushy.
How come your plants at short and bushy while others are taller like a tree? Please respond. (I want an answer from someone who knows what they’re doing)
@AndrewGuy2 Arizona is a desert man tis hot as fuck and how do u kno
@dannman420 dude im from england and even i know u can in arizona.
Good video
Thanks to this, i now have grown over thirty plants.
nice look my everybody on
Legalize Weed !!!!!!
Spread the world !!!
· Deaths per year resulting from alcohol: 75,766+
· Deaths per year resulting from tobacco worldwide: 100,000,000+
· Deaths per year resulting from aspirin: 180- 1000
· Deaths per year resulting from legal drugs: 106,000
· Deaths that have ever occurred in direct result of Cannabis: 0 (THATS RIGHT ZERO !)
i live in arizona can i still grow out side ??
Any of u guys know a good cheep light bulb to use and were I can get it????????
dam so wat you somkin in the mean time? lol
hi five!
…. did you see his garden? i think he cant remember the last time he sobered up :p
he talks like if hes stoned lol
get drunk= jumping off a roof, getting in a car accident and killing innocent people, die of alcohol poisoning. getting high= relaxed, hungry, laughter. come on people wake the fuck up!