how to make a hemp knotting board?

i have just got into making hemp jewelry does anyone know how to make a knotting board
i have just got into making hemp jewelry does anyone know how to make a knotting board
I love hemp necklaces and i can NEVER find them in stores, i googled “hemp necklaces” and i... Read More »
Ok, I got a great hemp necklace at Ozzfest 06. It was made by some rasta dude that... Read More »
i want to know what size the thicker hemp is? i got some 10lbs and 20lbs hemp but... Read More »
Not sure how to make the board. But Michaels craft store sells them and they have a 40% off coupon in there add every week. I think it would be easier to just buy one.
One of these foam boards would work.
good luck!
Look for a knot board you like, and make it according the instructions there.
I like free-form knot boards so I made instructions for those:
Other people like traditional knot boards:
If you need more info, try contacting people at:
I misread you question, I do not use knotting boards myself. I tie the macrame to a fixed point and work like that:
i get cat food by the case, with the shallow cardboard box on the bottom and plastic wrapped, so i save the box bottoms and use that for a knotting board, when one wears out use the next one, or cut the bottom from more than one box and glue in layers inside the first box gives you more mass . you can also buy them or use household insulation board, the very dense styrofoam, you might check at lowes or home depot and ask if there is a broken board you can buy part of. since i doubt you need a 4×8 ft sheet, it will wear out in time but you can always get more.
My wife says when she was looking for an inexpensive knotting board, She went down to the lumber store and bought a 4’x8’x3/4″ sheet of fiber board…..she cut pieces out of it (2’x4′) and glued sheets of 1 inch graph paper (easy to measure as you go) to the 2’x4′ boards…..she wears them out quickly so has plenty of extras on hand. And the “T-pins” stick in the fiber board nicely!