How to make fake weed and get money

Make fake weed and sell it for bank!
Make fake weed and sell it for bank!
INDIANA (Indiana’s NewsCenter) – The Fort Wayne, New Haven and Kendallville City Councils will discuss their proposed synthetic... Read More »
Kit contains everything needed for plants to achieve greater health, productivity, size, yields, brix levels, nutrient density, and... Read More »
“tight… like yo girlfraaaaan” LMAO!
weed aint fucking gold colored u fucking hillbilly!!!!!! u gunna get shot selling that shit dawg
u get shot
accent is obviously fake
FDA vs. K2 herb
any idiot will smell that and realise that you’re a complete tail.
sell this, get killed
So… you sell fake weed to little kids? You fucking loser.
it doesnt looks like weed at all… stop please u wannabe
@TheBillyfoundation plant it in a clearing in a forest. after that just let it grow. it would probally be good to plant other stuff near it or someone might notice it. also, plant it at the right time of year.
u trian to get yo stupid ass shot
how do you grow weed with just a seed?
@TheBillyfoundation yes and its called soapbar and its the cheapest weed
can u smoke it?
ok lets see all you hatin fucks go out and buy real shit and wind up gettin into some gang war when you could just sell fake shit to some kid that youll NEVER see again…stupid motherfuckers in this world
can you use syrup also???? please tell me!!
can you use syrup also???? please tell me!!
How to Make Fake Weed, and get Shot, dude is talking about “plumpiness and mixed colors” Only place he is gonna find that is in the joint.
hah ya it would be really funny when you sell that to someone and they shoot you
lame fuck ..what are you gonna do when one of those little kids tells there big brother to smoke with them ……… think about you ignorant redneck bitch
its mother fuckers like u y the world is fucked up. fuck u u goat fuckin piece of shit
wat the hell is wrong with hilly billys u fuking tender foot
i give props to him cause hes makin money off dumb asses
I did this once cause i had no money ahha and i bout weed with it hahah!
this guys asking for trouble he is a punk