How to Make Hemp Jewelry : Adding Bead Two to Square Knot Hemp Bracelet

How to add the second bead to a hemp square knot bracelet; learn this and more in this free arts and crafts video taught by a pottery making expert . Expert: Karen Weisman Contact: Bio: Karen Weisman graduated from Boston University with a degree in Hotel and Food Management. She teaches cooking, baking, cake decorating, and various crafts. Filmmaker: Karen Weisman
does anyone know how long the hemp has to be when we are starting off?
its hemp. you can get in in a ball at walmart.
what kind of thread are you using? And where can i get it from? Thank you!
very nice! i bought a set of a bracelet and a ring like that on donnaliza and it was fabulous! Just search donnaliza on google and youll find it.
Thank you, this was very helpful.
this was very helpful ty,im just learning the knots tequniques and getting the beads on were a problem,the beeswax great idea,i may just be able to make it work 🙂
thanks so much. This is really helpful!
Hey! Do you know how to start them off?
really helpfull.
thank you so much becuase you helped me out a ton
bee’s wax
what tool are you using to make the hemp not fray b4 putting it through the bead??????