How to Make Hemp Jewelry : Making a Spiral Knot Hemp Bracelet

How to make a hemp spiralknot bracelet; learn this and more in this free arts and crafts video taught by a pottery making expert . Expert: Karen Weisman Contact: Bio: Karen Weisman currently lives in Israel with her husband and six children, where she teaches cooking, baking, cake decorating, and various crafts such as mosaics and sewing. Filmmaker: Karen Weisman
For people who say: They ffing left the knot/loop out!!! -> They showed us how to do the knot/loop in another video, so stop complaining
don’t any of these show how to start or finish the bracelet?! wtf
is good braclets, I sell at shop
its not even a knot, it’s a loop and an essential piece to the construction of this bracelet. why did you even comment?
@shlempnar are you retarded and you dont know how to make a knot? ;l
thanks so much my turned out great!
well…look at there starting videos… it will show you…or just search how to tie a knot…
gosh took me a while to find nw i have to find out how ima play it at school cuz they blocked everything!
We used to call these “4 bracelets” because of the shape you make with the string when you are knotting it. But we always used a few colors of yarn/string, it made it look a lot better.
this is why expert village sucks. they left out the fucking knot. thats the first thing you do for gods sake.
ow i thought you would have to spin the 2 smaller ropes in the middle.duh lol :p
watch Hollistergirl1O1 channel this girl has the easiest tutorial on making simple bracelet
get get a long peice of hemp. fold it in half once. and then once again. tie a knot at the top where there is 2 loops. then at the bottom there is one loop and 2 peices of hemp. cut the loop at the bottom off.
Will someone please tell me howt tie just a knot? not a squre one or circle or whatever but just a regular?
this is a great video i made my first bracelet its awesome!
how do you tie the knot at the beginning? (the knot where the nail is holding it)
and this is a very helpful vid 🙂
thats so cool thank you
hey guys i dont really get what you guys mean by the ratio and stuff. how long do i make the strings for a bracelet. please could someone tell me thanks
hey i think it’s cool we’ve got video instructions that we can watch over & over til we get right!! i make all kinds of jewelry & sell it also but it’s great to have “expert” back-up when i need it!! thanks!!!
with thicker paracord its 1 foot to 1 inch with this I would go 1 inch to 6 inches but you can do the 1 to 1 ratio if you feel better about it.
how long do you make the strings??
you take two strings,one smaller that the other,fold both of them and tie the knot at the top,then the two smaller strings are the ones on the inside and the longer ones are the ones you use,i hope that helps lol:)