How to Make Hemp Jewelry : Starting a Hemp Jewelry Project

How to start a hemp jewelry project, including tips and tricks; learn this and more in this free arts and crafts video taught by a pottery making expert . Expert: Karen Weisman Contact: Bio: Karen Weisman graduated from Boston University with a degree in Hotel and Food Management. She teaches cooking, baking, cake decorating, and various crafts. Filmmaker: Karen Weisman
No, It looks cleaner with skinnier hemp.
Does it matter what type of hemp you use ?!
is this using one string or two?
how long does the string have to be?
thanks for this tutioiriall,, !! i really like the way you explain:)) also i think i just need to go buy enough string… but u know the thing.. i saw a bracelet for sale like this at school and it was like 5 buks!! wow! im gonna make a bracelet with recycled paper beadds!!!
well you SHOULD put a loop in the in because thats where you will tie the other end to. if you dont you will have a bunch of strings you will be trying to tie together but of course you do not have to make a loop just a simpler suggestion 🙂
i dont know if this helps but i dont even tie a knot for the loop i just start tying the knots that make up the necklace