How to Make Hemp Necklaces : How to Do Basic Medium Hemp Necklace Stitches: Part 2

Learn about how to do basic stitches with mediumhemp when making hemp necklaces and other jewelry with expert tips in this free craft video clip. Part 2 Expert: Jessica Goodrich Bio: Jessica began making Hemp Jewelry over 10 years ago. She enjoys making hemp bracelets, key chains, and necklaces. Filmmaker: Drew Noah
How do you take the interactive transcript off the screen; you can’t see anything!!
this video sucked buttt. maybe u should show how to start it from the begging not half way threw the project. waist of my time.
how am i to see how to do through the damn text and moving camera
move your fingers out of the way!!! hold the cameras more still!!!!! you explain pretty well and thoroughly, but if I can’t see what you’re doing your efforts are for naught 🙁
terrible video, out of focus, nothing was thought out or planned
put your god damn camera on a stand..
@123abcbobcat totally xD
wow she made that difficult, they aren’t that hard to make
you canr even see what ur doing cuz the casmera is everywhere and u keep talking its distracting
ummm did you notice that there were words blocking the video well yeah idk just thought i should tell you….
(whisper to myself).. jackass
Lmfao youtube comments are fucking ridiculous.
Shit, horrible camera job.
are you all buzzed?
sorry but ur talking a little bit too much..
but still nice.
more likely due to difficult autofocus conditions for the camera.
Jessica – Nice job with the instruction, however please tell your camera operator to quit smoking the necklaces.
Was the camera man high or something?
i think the camera man makes me dizzyy,,, just keep the cameraa still okokkk.
God forbid
That’d be a crime
whatever you do, don’t hold the camera steady or keep it focused on the necklace.
1-Copy and Paste this message to 8 other videos
2-Go to your channel and look at you background.
then see if you can learn anything from my video
holey shit i cant even se what to do, you suck!!!! i cant learn anything from THIS!
its a bit jerky