How to Pass a Drug Test – Marijuana

how to pass a drug test wether it’s a random drug test tomorrow or an employment drug test a month away. Drug Detection Chart: Background: I’m 26. Before I was self employed, I worked 22 jobs (no, im not exaggerating). I walked out on many jobs just to start another one the next week, so I became very familiar with drug testing. More than half of those jobs drug tested. I worked in all kinds of jobs from Burger King to the US Postal Service to Microsoft. I never failed a drug test on any of the jobs that tested. I’m naturally skinny, which helps, but I’ve always used the methods in this guide and passed and if I didn’t have a week or two to quit and get clean before the test, I would just use synthetic urine which I had to do twice and passed both times without any problems. When I first became self employed and was bored at home, I decided to test all these methods on home tests I purchased just to see if it was luck or not and passed them all as long as I had a few days or a week to follow the methods.
what song is this?
What song is this ?
before smoking the week before i hadnt had a smoke for like 2 months if that helps
Help me out. I have a drug test in the morning and I smoked last week. Nothing big. 2 small hits (weed).and before that I didn’t have a smoke in 2 months. I have been drinking alot of water since then. Will I pass?
@badran6 it will definately stay in your system more than 3 days bro. The bad drugs stay in your system for 3 days, which is fucked up, those should stay in for a year and marijuana only stay in for 3. That would be awesome…
I hate when people make up names for their weed too, but OG Kush is a universal name given to a very respected strain of weed out here in California, it’s very specific. It’s an official name, and official names are good in places like Amsterdam and California so we can identify the good strains from the really good strains. Examples of old official names I’m sure you’ve heard of: Purple Haze, Maui Wowi, Northern Lights, Thai Stick, Chocolate Thai, Golden Acapulco etc.
@ZZZATIRO08 It really depends on your weight and how often you smoke. THC is stored in fat cells, so if you’re fat it may stay in your system longer.
If you knew you had a drug test coming up, why would you smoke in the first place?
PS- I cant stand when ppl give their bud catchy names. Did your dealer tell you it was some cucumber crunch?
i smoked 2 grams of og kush on 420.. how long you think its goin to stay in my system
@KINGSTA94 depends what kind of testing is done. If it the regular standard cup test, just start off 4 hour before test take 4 asprin, then drink 24 oz of water, after drink 8 oz of water every 20mins. when you start pissing clear your good to go.
hey i need 2 know str8 away ok i smoke last weekend and only had about 4 hits from a bong and i might be doing a drug test some
but i work out and also eat good food and drink lots of water will i pass it???
what should i do
How many days does weed stay in your blood ??
Does winn-Dixie drug test?
@ButteredMilk FUCK NO you wont pass your test dude…. you better get your ass some fake piss somewhere or say goodbye to the military…
LOL I’m going to put yall on something. DRINK WATER!!!!! I’ve passed so so so many RANDOM piss test. I’ve even smoked all month and the day on the piss test. You’ll piss so much that you’ll just piss out H2O. I just sipped on a gal of water half the day and ate as normal. Here is the kicker though. Your shit will look clear. Just like water. I’ve seen one place that actually requires you to have a certain color to your piss. Luckily, I didn’t smoke for a year when I went there. :O
Depending on how much you smoke weed?????anyway will stay in your body from 3 days to 30 days if you heavey smoker>>>>>3 days is if you have smoked once in month
I’m 16, 6’2 and 150pounds. I’m signing up for the Canadian reserves in two days and I have no idea when the drug test is. I was a heavy marijuana smoker for about 3 months, since January, and had taken 2 green alien (ecstasy) pills on March 20th (first and last time doing ecstasy). I quit weed for 2-3 weeks last month, and since then have only smoked marijuana about 3 times within the past 2 weeks. I play sports regularly so I sweat a lot. What do you think? Will I pass a military drug test?
thats because spice is not a drug and does not contain thc like marijuana does there for it will never show up
@GoldenPlatinumSTEEL nope i get tested 2 times a week, went to test about 2 hours after smoking it and nothing came up.
Hey Dose Spice Show Up On LAB UA’s? PLZ Answer
I love the track! whats the artist/song if you don’t mind?
@xobgy yeah thanks dude that makes everything better….
holy shit, i got clean enough to pass a urine test in 3 and a half days. I bought a home drug test for thc and passed. Im hopeing its not a error. The day before, i put 2 sweaters and a jacket and started jumping around sweating for 15 mins, i think that help a little.
@dmoneyxd dont worry, be happy phaahaa
first time smoked and the next day i get a interview. I have 3 and a half days to get clean, im kinda skinny so i hope im clean soon. Im just trying to slow the hiring process as much as possible. I even tried to answer questions with stupid answers and they still liked me SHIT my luck
im going to join soon, i mean i signed up and everything about 2 weeks ago and now waiting for them to call me so the tests begin, in canadian reserves, but like i said i do not smoke occasionaly and last time i did it was like 6 months ago and now like 2 or 3 weeks a go just a bit, im just worried because i dont even know when theyl call me