Huge Marijuana Farm Busted in Washington

Over grow the goverment. Think of all the money they are wasting. Oh and if you pay $6000 a pound you are stupid.
Over grow the goverment. Think of all the money they are wasting. Oh and if you pay $6000 a pound you are stupid.
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
IF everyone in the world grows just one plant. they would have to legalise it.
0:44 = 1:pull the plants out,. 2: bundle in a 100 3:duck tape em 4: choppa carry 5:1000pounds at a time.. 6:………6……..6….?!?!?!??!! oh skipped to 7or8: they go for $6000 per pound
you tell me your version of what they do for stage 6 😛
@baerpeck mabye if it was really good dank but the dea and the media is stupid as fuck i realized when the said the man has a multimmillion dollar industry and this guy probably doesnt have connections with drug cartels mabye he wasnt even gonna sell it fuck the dea and the media they are so fucking dumb its just so they get more views
im sure most of these cops took some of that weed inside their pants
ha i bet only half that field maid it to where it was suppose to be
@scarecrow420high no decimalize it!! or both lol
@oliviaadrienne12 yea! Or even alcohol or cigs which are legal!
THIS WAS NEXT TO MY HOUSE ?! … wtf i regret not going hiking with my grandpa .
sike , stay above the influence,
people in new york pay 6K a pound on a good day
They where most likely a cartel, hahahaha.
Thousands of plants my ass, they like to exaggerate all that was is some guys grow, they love to make things sound bigger then they are.
Good job wasting are tax money on killing plants, im sure the school thats getting shut down doesnt mind as long as some stupid plants are killed.
@baerpeck will the BS ever stop? look at all the oxygen making plants they destroyed!
A cartel my ass.
american and uk goverments both grow weed .its all ok as long as the goverment is doing it.but if we do it somehow it then becomes wrong. fuck the goverments and do what you like the hypocrisy of goverments today takes the fuking piss.get rid of the corrupt goverments then u can grow weed where u like
They take all the weed and smoke it themselves without tellin ppl. I know i would
@BezGraff Weed doesn’t hurt anyone, and nor does it make people hurt other people.
don’t hurt the poor plants 🙁
Hahah, why do people think marijuana is such a bad thing?
It’s not like it’s fucking meth or heroin.
i wonder how much those cops pocketed
u see how they took them out? they are keepin the roots to plant somewhere else for the gov. just legalize tha shit damn
i hate all them bastards for doin that
Wow they found some pot………Go find someone cooking meth or crack or some shit. Waste of time and fucking money gemme the green ill help get rid of it.]
just think how stupid it is, It’s illigal to have a natural herb.
I also like the way they show the rifle,,, Uhhhhh, the deadly .22 Marlin semi auto. Probably keep it there for rabbits that eat their pot. But, you get the implication. Oh, their heavily armed with .22’s, never mind the heat have M-16 machine guns. I’d like to watch them and see how much goes in who’s truck. Pitiful waste of medical marijuana. Should be required it go to states that have M.M. laws for FREE distribution to card holders. Just a thought.
6K a pound on the east coast??? PUH-LEEEEEZZE. Propaganda Much?!?! They don’t ship it that far, they grow it there in one of the gazillion run down warehouses in N.Y., N.J, Queens. Please. If that stuff make it to Nevada I’d be amazed. Oh, Oh, it’s a Mexican drug cartel, nope, local’s growing it. Have for decades, still do. Wake up and join the civilized states that are decriminalizing pot. More to be made in the taxes and no more black market. Morons. Well, guess it’s back to traffic,,, He-He!
And why the fuck are those guys wearing helmets?