if you think medical marijuana should be legal what is the best way to get our state leaders to know that?

If you think medical marijuana should be legal, how do you think this can be conveyed to our leaders. Considering most of them are drunk most of the time, how can you get through to them?
Do you know that cocaine is a class 2 narcotic, but marijuana is class one and one plant in certain states can put you in jail for 5 years.
so, we have 12 states that have legal marijuana, but the federal government saying its still illegal. how do we get the federal government out of our health issues and get them making our economy better and fixing the national deficit?
Do you know Thomas Jefferson farmed Marijuana, and it was legal until the the 1930’s. it has thousands of uses. it does not cause addition, nor does it cause cancer. can you say that about cigarettes or alcohol? I think not.
so why is marijuana illegal and so evil. well, you see, its kind of hard for a drug company to market a weed that grows anywhere like a dandelion will. the competition would be bad for business.
there are no overdoses from marijuana.
i’m not talking for stoner’s i am though in favor of helping the sick with marijuana, that has no side effects, except maybe the munchies.
if you have cancer, migraines, IBS, ulcerative colitis, MS etc….there are to many illnesses to list that it helps. and for people thinking oh, a doctor will write a prescription for it instead of sleeping pills. well, please! SLEEPING PILLS ARE ADDICTIVE, MARIJUANA IS NOT. no matter what you’ve been told. look up NORML.org for lots of info on medical marijuana
State laws are irrelevant on the subject, since federal law says that it’s illegal. I think that the best way to get Congress’ attention is to run as a representative from your area.