I’m Growing Marijuana In My Yard

weed video made from funny pictures & music call I’m Growing Marijuana In My Yard
weed video made from funny pictures & music call I’m Growing Marijuana In My Yard
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Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
@MeisterFaar weed has many many medical purposes also=) It has actually cured people with Hepatitis C, and thats a pretty good thing i would say=) good for many types of cancer, and it has been used as a medicin for over a 1000 years=) its many types of weed that is good for alot of diseases, and people that smokes weed are much happier and often very polite people=) you must not blend the weedsmokers with the criminals. The criminals are smoking weed also. but thats another story, smoke a joint
@MeisterFaar wow you are a smart guy=) well actually the laws causes more harm than the marijuana=) the fucked up us gouverment will never admit they where wrong this last 80 years, what could they say? that the 3000000 people they have put to jail shouldnt have been there?(no dealer) thats only one reason =) another is that no medical company can earn big bucks on it. why? u can grow it =)Tobacco causes millions of death all over the world each year=( alcohol is50 times more harmful than weed=)
Hey Guys, you should go to my channel and take a look at my garden!
The vid is called “My Sensimilla Girls”, go watch it!
awesome video thank ya
ya’ll are loser.. Don’t smoke weed. Look around you. The only thing it causes is problems.
But ofcause, you surely cannot see that, because you sit in a continous weed smoking condition..
who gives a shit bout weed its not like cheme drugs like coke and pills and shit its a plant that u smoke that amkes u lazy and hungry all we need is a bag of weed
Who gives a shit about “the government”?
It’s all an Illusion, there are no governments unless you accept to be governed.
Just say NO!
2:05 lol nice
lets overgrow the government man xD
Lets all grow marijuana in our yards, that would fuck all the money mongers, corprate conglomerates & politicians wouldnt it.
HAHAHA check the old woman smokin bucket bong at 1,42.
couldn’t have put it any better. Peace is wat we need! and weed! š
we should all listen to john lennon=) no religion=) we dont need that shit=) all we need is weed=) we are all humans and we should all live in peace=D
cherry cola chad would be proud
Anyone can grow it in their yard I could show you how, it ain’t hard. Never mind the president, Let’s overgrow the government. And all grow marijuana in our yards.
Yay !! š
1 timothy 4, 1-5
lol mexicans!!! no more mota for u
fuck christianity fuck all religion you should rule your own life not a fuckin book at my old school i asked the minister
“who wrote the bible?” he said ” the people who met jesus” and he started sayin like 12 difrent ppl met him talk sum shit
i like you argument.. oh and btw AGREE I WAS THERE !
again, i hate to reiterate myself.
Religion should NEVER play a role in government or human rights or morals or anything that has an effect on another human being.
You can believe whatever you want but please dont impose it on social issues.
and even if you think god did create it, that does not mean it benefits to society. There are plants growing around you that can kill if ingested, like Datura. Cannabis however is the single most beneficial plant to humanity but greed & inertia r a bitch.
The first translation of the King James Bible from the greek and hebrew texts was printed on hemp for your information in 1611. God the Creator put many useful plants on earth ,He knew his children would need them and cannabis is simply another one of them herbs . pot has many mental wellness and physical benefits It even stimulates creativity as it stimulates certain receptors in the brain
You need help..
fuck you all.!!!
jesus is my brother and smoke marihuana with me ..
you stupidsfuck!!