In IL, Christian County, what are the laws regarding landlords/slumlords renting to trash, drug sellers/users?

I live in a nice neighborhood with the exception of one house. The landlord has always rented to trashy people. The previous renters had so much traffic it was ridiculous. I actually cought a guy parked outside my house while his buddy ran down the alley to buy. He was sitting in the seat looked down at his lap and throwing something out the window. I know it was pot seeds, so I said “you better pick up those seeds” and he took off and left his buddy. The current people have 6 kids (it’s a 2 bedroom house) that steal, have been caught in our back yard playing on our swingset. The parents walk down the street somewhere else 7-8 times a day only being gone about 10 minutes each time. The other neighbors and I seem to think they get a call to buy drugs so they walk and go get it for the callersThey scream and hollar late at night, fight in the street, etc. I have had it. I called the landlord and he basically said he does not care as long as the rent is paid. He said call the police or
The other neighbors and I seem to think they get a call to buy drugs so they walk and go get it for the callers. We also want to get the city to put up a street light in front of our house. Yesterday I got out the camera and took pics and video of them fighting in the road, and the kids on 12 different bikes. No one in the house has a job, so how do they have so many bikes, how do they pay the rent? We don’t have section 8 or HUD here.
The neighbors and I have offered to buy the house from the owner, but he refuses to sell it at any cost. He is a devout Chatholic man, but I can’t understand why he would want this neighborhood to suffer like this…
I am a homeowner. I talked to their landlord, not mine. I OWN MY HOME>
Call the county housing office and the police dept. and express your concerns. Document everything. Then move.
Let’s say you could get these people evicted. You’ve already said your landlord doesn’t care, and he knows you are having a problem. Do you believe he wouldn’t mention your name if you got these people in trouble? And are these people you want to be on the wrong side of?
You probably could get them kicked out, but they sound like a very dangerous bunch with nothing to lose, and they know where you live. I’d say if you find your current situation to be intolerable (sounds like it is) then you should move.
Call childrens services , the police dept and keep calling until they are gone