is it possible to get cancer from smoking a vaporizer too much?

Well I like smoking but I dont smoke due to the health reasons. I smoke a hookah bout once every 3 months but even wouldnt mind ending that. Now with vaporizers I hear the carcinogen amount and toxins inhaled are greatly reduced but exactly by how much or none? Also are there any herbal anti-oxidant that may be vaporized and actually promote a healthy lifestyle or is smoking not there yet?
Anything is possible with smoking, but this is something that might take decades to appear.
Bottom line is, if you feel you need to stop, you stop.
1 there are herbal vaporizing blends , look up vaporbrothers online, they have a few
2 it’s been proven that cannabis does not cause cancer and actually has anti cancer properties.
3 vaporizing properly with a good vaporizer does reduce the tars inhaled, and is healthier.